Italy 24 Press News

Cardiovascular diseases and moderate wine consumption: a new study illustrates the benefits

Among the issues on which science has been proving itself sensitive and “curious” for some time, there is also that of wine consumption, as constantly documented over the years by WineNews. An aspect that is also fascinating because there are opposing “factions”, experts who support the benefits of a glass and others who always say “no”, without prejudice to the fact that moderation is the only meeting point between the two “poles”. In an era where new generations are moving away from wine and where health-conscious styles seem to be taking over, information should still be a priority for professionals and enthusiasts. The consumption of wine, an important part of Italian convivial culture, is at the center of a constant debate and there is no shortage of epidemiological studies which have highlighted, for some time now, how moderate consumption of wine, over the course of an adult life and in combination with to correct lifestyles, not only is it not harmful, but can contribute to longevity contributing to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, in particular ischemic heart disease (IHD) which represents the leading cause of death in Italy.
A recent study just published in “Nature Communications” and conducted by researchers from the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) adds to the numerous international publications on the topic of alcohol consumption and ischemic heart disease (IHD): the study explores the complex relationship between alcohol consumption and cardiovascular disease, offering a comprehensive re-evaluation of existing data and using innovative meta-analytic techniques to clarify the effects of alcohol on heart health. The amount of data analyzed by the authors is particularly significant: in fact, a systematic review of data from 122 observational studies published between 1970 and 2021 was conducted. Thanks to this comparison, the authors confirmed that moderate alcohol consumption is inversely associated with the risk of IHD, finding a “J”-shaped relationship in which low-to-moderate alcohol consumption (up to approximately 50 g/day) is associated with a lower risk of morbidity and mortality from ischemic heart disease ( IHD) and morbidity from myocardial infarction (MI). A result that offers a new perspective in the ongoing debate regarding the impact of alcohol on heart health: experts agree, in fact, on the fact that moderate consumption of wine, combined with healthy diets and appropriate lifestyles, can have positive effects on the health of citizens, as well as a positive impact on the social costs of the disease, since those who survive a heart attack become chronically ill, with a significant economic cost for society.
The link between wine consumption, nutrition and cardiovascular well-being was also reiterated by Attilio Giacosa, professor of Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy, gastroenterologist at the CDI in Milan, former director of the Gastroenterology and Clinical Nutrition Unit of the National Institute for Research on Cancer of Genoa and elected president of Irvas (the Institute for Research on Wine, Food and Health, ed.) a few days ago: “Italian and international epidemiological studies have already widely highlighted how habitual and moderate consumption of wine, over the adult life and in combination with a correct eating style, such as that of the Mediterranean tradition, is not harmful, but is instead beneficial. The concept of the “j” curve which is reiterated by the Gbd study – that is, the relationship between alcohol consumption and mortality identified with a “J”-shaped curve – has in fact been known to the scientific literature for some time. This curve shows that drinking wine in moderation reduces mortality compared to teetotalers (lower “J” curve), while mortality increases dramatically with the increase in alcohol consumption (vertical section of the “J”)”. Giacosa also specifies how it is “important to underline that this virtuous relationship between moderate wine intake and health, according to the “J” curve model, is not only applicable to cardiovascular health, but also to other aspects, for example cognitive health . A moderate intake of wine within a Mediterranean-type diet – which also includes the consumption of oil, fresh fruit, vegetables, seeds and fish – can therefore contribute to our general well-being, favoring not only an increase in duration of life, but also lower risks of cognitive deterioration”. Wine, therefore, must be consumed responsibly within a correct nutritional lifestyle, such as that of our Mediterranean tradition, in moderate quantities and during meals, according to a positive model of consumption, often associated with moments of socialization and conviviality .

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