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Do you know how many calories you need to burn to lose one kg of body fat? Here is the precise quantity and the perfect formula to avoid mistakes

Is your dream to lose weight quickly? Then you need to know how much body fat to lose quickly: here’s the solution

How many of our readers tell us every day that they want to lose weight quickly but by eating? I assure you that there are really many of you and, today in this article, we will reveal to you from a mathematical point of view how many calories you need to burn fat and lose 1 kg quickly. You are curious? You’ll find the answer you’re looking for right here.

Do you know how many calories you need to burn to lose one kg of body fat? Here is the precise quantity to avoid

Losing weight and making sacrifices is never easy, but if you combine a good diet made up of fresh and tasty dishes, plenty of vegetables, pasta in measured quantities and meat and fish, you can be sure that you are a real winner of your challenge!

However, you must combine this with physical activity, since a sedentary lifestyle has never been good for anyone but above all it particularly slows down the metabolism, eat 5 meals a day and perhaps choose some good supplements together with your nutritionist.

The basic thing to lose weight is to eliminate all fatty foods such as fried foods or foods with an excessive glycemic index that slow down your weight loss, thus failing to help you reach your goal. It is very important to tell you that, It is very important to rely on nutritionists and do not take your own initiatives so that your body can best achieve the results.

I want to lose 1 kg, how do I do it? Here is the scientific answer

During family binges, it is very easy to gain at least 1 kg but have you ever wondered why? What happens in your body? To lose that extra kg that is associated with the great binges of Easter, August, Christmas and New Year, it is necessary burn on average between 7,000 and 9,000 calories (actually kilocalories, i.e. the unit of measurement of energy supplied by foods), but the variables (clearly) depend from individual to individual.

The tips you need to know to lose

In both cases, however, it is very important to refer to the loss of fat mass and not on the little number that appears on the scale. A kilo less on the scale doesn’t always mean you’ve really lost it. While to remove a kilo of fat mass from the body it is necessary to burn a certain quantity of the calories introduced with food, limiting the intake of very high-calorie foods.

You can also use some energy expenditure formulas such as energy expenditure of a race, simply multiply the number of km traveled by your body weight and by a coefficient of 0.9.

For the lazy ones, fortunately, weight loss does not depend only on physical activity: 60% on average (between 45% and 75% depending on the subject) derives from the basal metabolism, around 10% then depends on the action specification of foods and 30% from physical activity.

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