Italy 24 Press News

Omega 7: what they are, the benefits and in which foods they are found

These monounsaturated fatty acids, not so easy to find, are also called the “Beauty Omegas”. Let’s find out why

We often hear about Omega-3, and lately also Omega-6, fatty acids that are very important for health. In recent times, however, the Omega-7monounsaturated fatty acids that contribute to the correct functioning of the heart and brain and which can also help patients suffering from head and neck tumors during chemotherapy and in the post-operative period: in fact, it was recently discussed during the international congress dedicated to these two pathologies.

Omega-7: the health benefits

Omega-7 monounsaturated fatty acids include vaccinia acid, palmitoleic acid and rumeic acid. Omega-7s play an important role in reducing LDL cholesterol levels, the so-called “bad cholesterol”, instead favoring theincrease in HDL cholesterol values, the “good” one. They are also important for gastrointestinal and heart health, as well as improving the inflammatory response, with benefits also for the brain. According to a study by the University of Queensland, the Omega-7 palmitoleic acid present in macadamia nuts has numerous benefits in reduce the risk of diabetes. These fatty acids, in fact, increase insulin sensitivity, also contributing to better weight management. Plus foods that contain Omega-7 they allow greater hydration of the skin and mucous membranes: for this very reason, it is also defined as “the Omega of beauty”.

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In which foods are Omega-7s found?

In addition to the ones already mentioned macadamia nuts, Omega-7s are found in some oils such as sea buckthorn, which itself is a powerful antioxidant and also contributes to decreasing the risk of diabetes and obesity. Palmitoleic acid is also found in the avocado and in many fish already rich in Omega-3 such as salmon, herring And sardines.



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