Nutrition: what to eat in summer

Nutrition: what to eat in summer
Nutrition: what to eat in summer

Even in summer you need to pay attention to your diet. In fact, the heat induces in some people tiredness e exhaustionwith a decreased appetite; in other cases, the desire for fresh and light foods could unbalance the diet, not taking in all the necessary nutrients.

What to eat in summer? We talk about it with the doctor Martina Francenutritionist at the IRCCS Istituto Clinico Humanitas in Rozzano and the Humanitas Medical Care medical centers.

Summer: What to Eat for Breakfast

The breakfast It must be rich in all the nutrients necessary to sustain our body until lunch time. It is advisable avoid excess sugar and fatpreferring instead a balanced nutritional intake. To better face the summer heat, natural yogurt (or kefir) and fresh seasonal fruit are particularly recommended, possibly accompanied by a small portion of dried fruit and simple whole grains (puffed rice, oat flakes, wheat bran).

If you prefer a savoury breakfast, you can opt for a slice of toasted wholemeal bread combined with an egg or fresh cheese (ricotta or cottage cheese), with a portion of fresh fruit to finish.

Lunch and dinner: what to eat?

Furthermore, it is important maintain the same eating routine that you follow throughout the yearincluding holiday periods. This means have a main meal at lunch and a dinner that complete daily needs, in addition to two snacksone in the mid-morning and one in the mid-afternoon. This helps keep the metabolism and to reach subsequent meals without an excessive sense of hunger, which could lead to consuming more food than necessary, taking in an excessive amount of calories compared to those actually required by the body.

Always remember to have the right amount of whole grain carbohydrates, proteins and vegetables, even if we are out for lunch and dinner. Keep in mind the “Healthy Eating Plate” of Harvard, with a quarter of carbohydrates, a quarter of proteins and half the plate occupied by fruit and vegetables. Some ideas could be:

  • Salad with mixed vegetables, blueberries, grilled chicken and toasted bread
  • Cous cous with grilled chicken and baked vegetables
  • Quinoa salad with cuttlefish, rocket and cherry tomatoes
  • Baked sea bass with potatoes and vegetables
  • Salad with farro, feta, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers and oregano
  • EVO oil piadina with chickpea hummus and grilled vegetables
  • Salad with hard boiled eggs and toasted bread.

How much water to drink in summer

High temperatures and sweating caused by the heat accelerate the process of dehydrationmaking it even more essential to drink regularly without waiting to feel thirsty, since the sensation of thirst is already a symptom of dehydration. The suggested indication is to at least two liters of water a day for women and two and a half liters for men.

It is equally important limit alcohol consumption. Although they may seem thirst-quenching, they actually contribute to increasing dehydration of the body. Even non-alcoholic cocktails and carbonated drinks should be avoided, because they increase the intake of sugars in the body. It is preferable to consume cold infusions based on seasonal fruits and herbs, which are more suitable for hydrating.

Fruits and vegetables: the benefits

The sweating during the summer months involves a loss of mineral salts and vitamins. The seasonal fruit and vegetables, consumed in three portions a day, are to be favored, also because they favor the absorption of iron thanks to the presence of vitamin C and provide an adequate amount of fiber. In addition, peaches, apricots, plums and spinach are rich in potassium, an element that helps relieve water retention and contributes to the maintenance of muscle strength.

Proteins: better those of vegetable origin

As regards the proteinsit is better to favor the consumption of seasonal fish, as well as the White meat (to be consumed in moderation), together with legumesvaluable sources of vegetable protein. They can be added to salads, used in single dishes together with vegetables and cereals or used as a base for meatballs and burgers.

Digestion is slowed by red meat and saturated fats in general, as well as by processed or heavy foods such as fried food. You can replace butter with olive oil, to be used raw on vegetables eaten raw or steamed. It is also a good idea to reduce the amount of cheese and cold cuts, often present during aperitifs and convivial occasions, as well as limiting salt intake, always preferring iodized salt.

And the ice-cream? It may seem like a light food, but in reality it is rich in sugars. It is advisable to prefer artisanal ice cream to packaged ice cream, especially by opting for fruit flavors and sorbets, perhaps accompanied by a single cream.

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