The bulldozer knocks down the old gym, the new 12 million euro school complex will be built in the new buildings

The bulldozer knocks down the old gym, the new 12 million euro school complex will be built in the new buildings
The bulldozer knocks down the old gym, the new 12 million euro school complex will be built in the new buildings

The works concerning the construction of the new “Via Anna Frank” secondary school are coming to life, the project of which is covered by a Pnrr loan of 12,579,600 euros assigned to Cesena as part of Mission 2 of the National Recovery and Recovery Plan Resilience dedicated to the “Green Revolution and ecological transition” and Component 3 on energy efficiency and building replacement. After completing the internal demolitions, the company in charge is currently proceeding with the demolition works of the current gym on the area of ​​which the new school complex will be built.

Once the entire building has been demolished, the works will continue with the excavations necessary for the foundations of four distinct buildings where the school, the gym, the canteen with related offices and the great hall useful for the educational activities proposed in the course of the year. The new structures, which will be efficient in terms of energy, seismic and distribution, have been designed to accommodate 18 classes and 450 students and will be built ensuring maximum usability by the school population, students, parents, teachers, including staff and external users, the containment of energy consumption, the integration of buildings into the urban context, minimizing the use of land and waterproofing. For the entire duration of the works, which should be completed by February 2026, the continuity of the activity and the maintenance of the usability of the entire existing school building will also be guaranteed.

This project, managed by Studio Mynd Engineering Srl of Bologna selected as part of the design competition promoted by the Ministry of Education and Merit, represents one of the most important planned interventions on the school building front.

Last February, as part of this same important work, the municipal offices in charge, represented by the Director of the Public Works Sector Andrea Montanari and the PNRR Project Manager Roberto Ceccarelli, managed to identify and take advantage of, among the folds of the Account legislation Thermal, a line of incentives provided in cases of demolition and reconstruction of nearly zero energy buildings (nZEB) which guaranteed the Municipality of Cesena a further incentive for a total amount of 2,047,891.06 euros.

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