Italy 24 Press News

Work, accident reports and fatal cases are growing

MILANO – Still negative numbers regarding the job securitywith the updating of Inail data on reported diseases which see the “plus” sign almost everywhere.

The accident reports at work filed with Inail as of May 31, 2024 were 251,132 (+2.1% compared to May 2023 and a decrease of 22.4% compared to the same period in 2022), with a more significant increase for accidents that occurred on the way to work. The reports of fatal accident there were 369 (+3.1%): multiple fatal accidents were the determining factor in the increase. As of May 31st this year there were four reports of multiple accidents, for a total of 19 deaths, only two of which were road deaths. In the first five months of 2023 there were five reports of multiple accidents, for a total of 10 deaths, four of which were road deaths.

Deaths at work, Uil: between 1983 and 2018 there were 55,000, eight times more than the victims of organized crime

by Rosaria Amato

June 28, 2024

Also growing reported occupational diseasesand, 38,868 or +24.0% over 2023. The increase is 51.9% compared to 2022, 62.5% over 2021, 133.0% over 2020 and 41.9% over 2019.

Osteo-muscular system and connective tissue diseases, nervous system diseases and ear diseases continue to represent, even in the first five months of 2024, the first three types of occupational diseases reported, followed by tumors and respiratory system diseases.

Sources from the Ministry of Labor intervene on the data, arguing that they must be read taking into account the broader criteria applied in Italy – which include cases of Covid and accidents during travel, but also students under 15 – and also looking at the relationship with the growth of ‘occupation. According to the reading to the ministry “the Inail Open data of May 2024 on the trend not of accidents at work, but of accident reports, return, as every month, a precise but provisional snapshot, which will be evaluated as a whole over a broader time span “.

“Compared to other European countries – explain the same sources – Italy applies very ‘broad’ rules and criteria, which have included, for example, Covid cases, putting together in the statistics accidents in the workplace and those on the way home at work, and are affected by the extension (strongly desired by this Ministry) of the insurance coverage guaranteed to students and staff of schools of all levels”.

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