Italy 24 Press News

Beauticians and hairstylists, the anti-illegal campaign of CNA and Confartigianato begins, sponsored by MIMIT

The June 24th will leave there awareness campaign against illegal practices in the hairdressing and beauty sectors. Promoting it is CNA and Confartigianato with the patronage of the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy. The campaign will be spread on web and social channels of the two Confederations through three joint outputs.

In our country, illegal activity in the personal services sector (which includes hairdressing and beauty activities) is continually growing with an irregularity rate of 27.6%. This is the highest value among the various sectors and far exceeds the national average rate, which stops at 14.4%.

This phenomenon was aggravated by the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic – which allowed the inclusion in the market of figures who, despite the closure provisions of hairdressing salons and beauty centres, provided home services, thus removing customers to regular operators. Adding to the picture is the recent proliferation of online platforms that operate undisturbed, offering home-based or even mobile services, without worrying about the limits imposed by sector regulations and municipal regulations.

For raise awareness among the population of the importance of relying exclusively on regular companies and qualified professionalsConfartigianato and CNA have created a joint communication campaign, sponsored by MIMIT, which intends to place the protection of citizens’ health at the center, mainly guaranteed by safe and quality services.

For the national presidents of CNA and Confartigianato Estetiste Perlita Vallasciani And Stefania Baiolini “This important initiative was born with the aim of raising awareness among the community of the fact that by relying on unqualified operators you expose yourself to serious risks for your skin, nails and scalp. In a situation of non-compliance with the regulations in force, one can even run the risk of receiving treatments without their knowledge that can only be carried out by specialized medical personnel, which can cause damage, even very serious, to one’s health”.

The national presidents of Confartigianato and CNA Acconciatori are of the same opinion Tiziana Chiorboli And Gianni Bassoli who underline how “The awareness campaign aims to shine a light also on the issue of home working, warning citizens that receiving treatments in their own home or in non-compliant premises is illegal and that choosing to turn to regular companies means that is, supporting workers’ rights, the country’s economy and business development.”

“The granting of patronage by the ministry is a source of great honor for us – he explains Massimiliano Peri, national president of CNA Unione Benessere e Sanità – represents an important recognition of the work that our associations are carrying out on this issue at a national and territorial level”. The president of Confartigianato Benessere echoes this Tiziana Chiorboli: “A battle that requires an extraordinary and joint effort in the fight against the spread of an unacceptable phenomenon that damages citizens, workers and businesses”

The Organizations will continue to develop synergies to combat this scourge, with the hope of ever greater collaboration between representative associations and institutions in order to obtain significant results in terms of reducing illegal activity in particularly exposed sectors such as those of beauty and hairdressing, to the benefit of collective well-being and to protect companies that operate legally.

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