Italy 24 Press News

Imu bonus 2024, when the “discount” for the house tax kicks in – idealista/news

One of the is scheduled for June 17th deadlines most important of the fiscal year. This is the term for the payment from the first Imu installment 2024. In this regard, we often hear (even improperly) about Imu bonus 2024. But, exactly, what does it mean? Let’s find out together what they are reductionsthe exemptions and the “discounts” that owners of a second home can benefit from for the payment of the Single Municipal Tax.

When is the 50% IMU paid?

Article 1, paragraph 747 of law 160/2019 provides that the taxable base of the IMU is reduced by 50% for homes granted on loan for use to relatives in a straight line. This is a rule introduced by the 2020 Budget Law which establishes the reduction of the IMU to 50% in the presence of a loan contract duly registered for parents or children (relatives within the 1st degree). However, to benefit from other requirements:

  • the property does not have to be luxury;
  • the property must be the main residence of the person receiving it on loan;
  • whoever transfers the property on loan must not own more than one property in Italy other than the one granted on loan;
  • whoever transfers the property on loan for use must have residence and habitual residence in the same municipality as the property granted for use to the direct relative.

But the Imu reduction of 50% it is also triggered for another type of property, i.e. for buildings of historical or artistic interest and for buildings declared uninhabitable or unusable (and, therefore, not usable).

Who is entitled to the IMU reduction?

A reduction in the IMU is also foreseen for owners of rented properties. In detail, taxpayers who rent a property with the agreed rent formula are entitled to a 25% discount on the IMU due. It follows that they will only have to pay 75% of the IMU, regardless of the rate decided by the Municipality.

In order to take advantage of the discounts, the contract must be registered and sent to the Municipality to avoid running the risk of having to return the discount obtained. This contractual solution can be used for:

  • contracts for residential use;
  • temporary use contracts;
  • contracts for university students.

Imu exemption for occupied houses

From 1 January 2023, the IMU exemption is also foreseen for owners of properties occupied by third parties. In detail, the 2023 Budget Law established that the IMU “must not be paid for illegally occupied properties, for which a complaint has been submitted to the judicial authority for the crimes envisaged by the articles. 614, second paragraph, and 633 of the criminal code, or for which a complaint has been filed or criminal legal action has been initiated”.

L’Imu exemptiontherefore, it can be requested for properties that are neither usable nor available, for which a complaint has been submitted to the judicial authority or for whose illegal occupation a complaint has been filed or criminal legal action initiated.

Imu on the former marital home

Another particular case concerns the payment of IMU for separated or divorced spouses, a situation for which one of the two spouses must leave the marital home. The latter, forced to change residence, will be totally exempt from paying IMU.

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