Italy 24 Press News

“Vaccinate the vulnerable, Covid is still among us”

Rome, 6 May 2024 – The world is facing a new chapter in the long saga of the pandemic COVID-19. There KP.2 varianta subvariant of JN.1, is rapidly gaining ground in the United States and is expected to soon become the dominant variant in as well Europe. KP.2 was debunked as it showed a significant ability to evade immune responses, suggesting a greater ability to spread than previous variants. In the US, KP.2 is found in one in four of new Covid-19 isolates, with the rate reaching 20% ​​in the UK in early April. What to do? We talk about it with Massimo AndreoniScientific director SimitItalian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases.

Professor, it appears that the KP2 variant is rapidly becoming dominant in the US and UK. What do infectious disease specialists know about it for sure?

“The KP2 variant is effectively replacing JN1 as dominant. This is a phenomenon that we have already observed in the past with other rotations. The KP2 still belongs to the large Omicron family, which has been circulating for more than two years and continues to generate new variants”.

What is the virulence and aggressiveness of this new variant?

“At the moment, data on the virulence and aggressiveness of KP2 are limited, the first cases seem to show a clinical picture substantially similar to the previous variants, with fever, sore throat and the other symptoms we know. This suggests that KP2 may have reduced aggression towards humans, but it is still early to draw definitive conclusions.”

Considering the immunity generated by vaccines and previous infections, can we say we are protected against KP2?

“Let’s say that, according to initial indications, KP2 may be able to evade immunity acquired during previous infections or vaccinations. This is an aspect that requires further analysis, we have a certain degree of acquired protection, but we are still faced with something new.”

What are the indications from health agencies regarding anti-Covid vaccines?

“The main international health agencies, in particular the WHO, have invited pharmaceutical companies to produce a new type of vaccine based on the JN1 variant. This will help us defend ourselves better when we are in the autumn. In any case, it is necessary to always update the composition of the vaccines, following the evolution of the phenomenon.”

How should we behave in the face of this new variant?

“We need to carefully analyze the emerging data on the virulence and aggressiveness of KP2 because, even if people don’t seem to notice, Covid is still among us and is circulating. So it is always good to continue to follow standard precautionary measures, take care of personal hygiene especially when we are in overcrowded places.”

Is there anything the public should know more?

“It would be useful to remember that the variants are never completely different, from an immunological point of view, from the previous ones. A certain degree of defense, defined as cross-reactivity, always remains, and this helps us protect ourselves against serious forms of the disease.”

Professor, there are those who think that Covid is now a thing of the past. What do you think?

“Absolutely not, Covid is still among us. In 2023 alone, more than ten thousand people died from Covid in Italy, a higher number than deaths from influenza. This reminds us that the disease is still present and active.”

What is the current vaccination situation?

“We have noticed that only 12% of high-risk subjects are actually covered in all respects, many others have somehow forgotten, or too much time has passed since the last recall. It is essential that fragile populations and immunocompromised people are protected.”

With the arrival of the new KP2 variant, how should the population behave?

“In view of autumn, I would recommend monitoring the epidemiological situation. If we see a surge in cases, we will need to take action, and those who have not been vaccinated for more than a year should hurry up and get revaccinated. The guideline for fragile people is to get vaccinated at least once a year, while those at risk could do so every six months.”

Has the KP2 variant already arrived in Italy?

“For now, no, we have not detected cases of KP2 in Italy, but we expect it to arrive at any moment. Our monitoring system will allow us to announce its presence as soon as it is detected.”

What are the symptoms of the variant and how can we treat ourselves?

“The symptoms seem similar to those of previous waves, such as fever and sore throat, but with less severe neurological disorders. For fragile people, there are effective antivirals. For everyone else, it is important to avoid infecting people at risk and to pay attention.”

Therefore, in conclusion, to protect yourself from the KP.2 variant, experts recommend continuing to follow public health guidelines, the adoption of masks in overcrowded environments and the practice of social distancing when possible is always valid in people at risk . Additionally, it is critical to keep up to date with the latest vaccine recommendations, as annual updates may be needed to accommodate new variants. Experts warn that the spread of KP.2 could lead to a new wave of infections during the summer, although this phenomenon currently seems to have been averted.

The emergence of the KP.2 variant highlights the importance of vigilance and adaptability in the global response to Covid-19. While the scientific community continues to monitor the situation, it is essential that the community takes advantage of the experience of the pandemic, and of the behaviors useful to limit the risk of spreading the virus.

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