Family Doctor Day, Anelli (FNOMCeO): “Its fundamental role also for the health of the planet”. FNOMCeO close to the populations affected by the floods

Family Doctor Day, Anelli (FNOMCeO): “Its fundamental role also for the health of the planet”. FNOMCeO close to the populations affected by the floods
Family Doctor Day, Anelli (FNOMCeO): “Its fundamental role also for the health of the planet”. FNOMCeO close to the populations affected by the floods

“Healthy planet, healthy people”:
if the planet is healthy, so is its population. It is dedicated to the approach “One health”which considers the health of the environment, people and animals as unique World Family Doctor Day of this year, which – announced by WONKA, The World Organization of Family Doctors – is celebrated, as has been customary since 2020, on May 19th.

“The effects of climate change – states the President of the FNOMCeOthe National Federation of Orders of Surgeons and Dentists, Filippo Ringsthey are dramatically evident. As doctors, we are close to the populations of Lombardy and Veneto, severely affected by the floods of recent days, and we make ourselves available to the authorities to provide aid and assistance”.

“Doctors have a fundamental role – he adds – in the protection of environmental health, a role that they have self-imposed with article 5 of the Code of Ethics, which indicates among the duties that of pertinent communication on exposure and vulnerability to environmental risk factors and that of promoting appropriate use of natural resources, for a balanced ecosystem that is also liveable for future generations”.

General practitioners, in particular – goes on – with their widespread presence in the territory and thanks to the relationship of trust they establish with citizens they can naturally play the role of “sentinels for the environment”, committed to discovering the environmental determinants of diseases, reporting and preventing related risks to the environment and to promote correct lifestyles”.

“Even the Orders – he states again – they can do a lot: a Bari, for example, we introduced what has proven to be a best practice that we could extend. In each municipality of the Metropolitan City there is a “Trustee”, who represents the Order for some specific purposes, including environmental surveillance. Precisely to further specialize in these subjects, the Trustees participate in a Higher Education Course on environmental issues, organized in collaboration with the University”.

The experience of the Trustees, real extensions of the Orders on the territory, was told in a video.

“The family doctor’s – he concludes Ringsit is a fundamental role for our National Health Service: citizens love it, they place very high trust in it, above any other figure or institution. And it is precisely in this trust, in the continuous and confidential relationship that is established in this peculiar and intimate relationship of care, that, according to scientific studies, prevention, therapies and health promotion that prolong life and give patients assisted years in good health. The family doctor extends your life: his role must be recognized, as already happens by citizens, also by institutions; he must be valued within our care system and celebrated always, every day and even more so on May 19th. So thanks to our family doctors. Thank you, especially at a time like this, when they make up for the desertification of local medicine and structural deficiencies, taking on a greater number of patients, working well beyond established hours, with increasingly unmanageable bureaucratic burdens. And without the help of a team of professionals and a team of administrative collaborators, as it should be for modern assistance, in step with the times and with the health needs of citizens”.

Watch the video:
Download the video: Medici Fiduciari 1920p Choral Video Ese.mp4

FNOMCeO Press Office
[email protected]
May 17, 2024

Author: FNOMCeO Press Office

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