Italy 24 Press News

Matt Damon alongside Ben Affleck, “to prevent him from falling back into alcoholism”

On the one hand the solitary holiday of Jennifer Lopez in Italy, on the other hand, the decision to Ben Affleck to take away one’s faith. He continues to blow wind of crisis on the famous couple of Hollywoodfor months now under the spotlight of gossip that talks about «divorce in sight“. There is absolutely nothing official, also because neither of the two parties involved has released statements on the topic. On the other hand, however, they multiply the rumorseven those linked to characters collateral to the couple.

The last one concerns Matt Damonwho has always been very close to Affleck, who is said to be «working desperately for prevent Ben from starting drinking again“. The conditional is mandatory, even if it is an exclusive source of the Daily Mail provide one detailed reconstruction of the situation, even revealing a “severe warning” that the actor of Invictus he would have given to his dear friend shortly before get back together to J.Lo. «He advised him to stay in any case focused on his work».

It should be remembered that the Bennifer they arrived one step away from marriage already twenty years ago, then the wedding at the last minute they jumped and the two stars went their separate ways. «After the first separation, Matt helped Ben get back together with Jennifer, but he felt it (the breakup) could happen again. She will support him whatever choice he makesbut wants him to stay focused on his work and not on J.Lo’s plans, as he had already done the first time.” A suggestion that might have made inroads.

«Matt (married to Luciana Barroso since 2005, ed.) has a long marriage that Ben he has always admired. After all, he is his only true friend and he was near him to make sure he didn’t have relapses related to alcoholism». Among other things, the couple of friends, who in 1998 received the Oscar for best original screenplay con Will Hunting – Rebel Geniuswill return to act alongside each other in the thriller Ripwith the shots that – according to Deadlinethey will begin in the fall.

A new period to spend Togetherwith the hope that in the meantime the black clouds – and the lights of gossip – have moved.

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