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Chiara Ferragni, the shocking choice on Fedez: what she did publicly

Chiara Ferragni has decided to take a decisive step which in the world of social media could weigh as much as a boulder

Chiara Ferragni continue to use social media to express his state of mind after the separation from Fedez. She does it by posting photos, sending alleged digs at her ex-husband that fans pick up on instantly or simply taking drastic decisions.

Chiara Ferragni’s drastic decision – (Credit:Ig@chiaraferragni) – (

If a few days ago we were talking about the latest post of Tik Tok in which Ferragni in front of a statue of Napoleon would send a message to the rapper, in these hours a post by Alessandro Rosica leaves no room for the imagination: the entrepreneur has made a choice, definitively closing with her past.

Chiara Ferragni gives us a definitive cut

The posts and videos of the happy Ferragnez I am but a mere memory. Since their life together has been told in detail through social media, these same social media today announce their final end.

The most loyal fans of the former couple are still hoping in their reunion but this possibility is becoming increasingly unlikely. Chiara Ferragni just a few days ago posted a video on Tik Tok accompanied by an audio that speaks of a love that suddenly vanished: “Then suddenly I stopped loving her, from one hour to the next. At eight in the evening I was madly in love, at nine forty-five I didn’t care anymore: it was over, I was cured”. Ferragni mimes these words with an amused expression, and the caption “Men” seems to leave little doubt about the recipient of the message, namely Fedez.

Chiara Ferragni removed all the photos with Fedez – (Credit:Ig@investigatoresocial_official__) -(

Some fans see in this video a simple dig aimed at her ex-husband, highlighting the sudden end of their relationship. The reactions of the public were varied: some showed support and affection towards Chiara, appreciating her self-irony, while others found the video embarrassing and out of place, labeling it as “cringe”.

Dig or not, what the digital entrepreneur did on Instagram leaves no doubt. Alessandro Rosica, better known as Social investigator highlighted a gesture of Fedez’s ex-wife which leaves a bad taste in the mouth: “Breaking news. Chiara has removed all the photos with her now ex-husband Fedez and doesn’t even want to hear him mentioned again, even if they were at the end of their lives. Let’s say it ended in the worst possible way.”Words written on a black background that strike and reflect the pain you feel when a seemingly happy marriage ends.

Just as love seems to have suddenly vanished, Chiara has made her decision to make even the evidence of this feeling disappear which until recently united her to the singer. Of course, in the world of social media this gesture has significant weight, but there is also the insinuation of a more crude and cynical question: it is about marketing? Who knows… we’ll leave the answer to Ferragni’s fans.

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