Italy 24 Press News

Anna has a lookalike, does she really look like her?

Anna’s lookalike appears on social media, but does she really look like her? Her name is Alessia Vesco and everyone says she bears a resemblance to the rapper.

Through the world of social media, many creators have become aware of one of their lookalike: This is the case of Carlotta Fiasella, who found an incredible resemblance to Giada Zuccarelli or even Alessia Lanza, who discovered that her lookalike is Matilde Pagano. And what if we told you that even the rapper Anna could have found her double? Let us introduce you to her!

Her name is Alessia Vescois a make-up artist and since she landed on social media she continuously receives comments about her pretence similarity with the rapper. “You look just like Anna”, “you look like Anna”, “but are you the only one who looks like Anna to me?” these are just some of the messages that this creator finds daily under her videos. To see her resemblance to the rapper, she even tried to recreate her daily make-up in a video published on TikTok, asking her followers for their very personal opinion.

Regarding her resemblance to Anna, Alessia replies: “my resemblance to her is super popular, I’m just saying that they stopped me at the bar while I was having breakfast for this! I, sincerely, I don’t see the resemblance. At the moment, the rapper has not commented on this resemblance, but we sincerely hope she can respond as soon as possible! In your opinion, do they really look alike? Whether your answer is yes or no, let us know in the survey at the bottom of the news.


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