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Enzo Iacchetti beaten up in the Mediaset studio: it ends badly | Here are the conditions

Enzo Iacchetti was beaten up right in the Mediaset studio: let’s see what happened…

Enzo Iacchetti has become very famous thanks above all to his role as host in the famous satirical newspaper ‘Striscia la Notizia’. However, he is not only a host but also an actor and comedian.

Born in 1952, his public career began when he was still very young, in the early 1970s. He didn’t start out as a host, but as a stand-up comedian. In fact, it seems he performed in Milanese clubs until he then landed in the theater and then subsequently also on television.

In addition to television he did many different things in his lifededicating himself with commitment to film and theater acting.

In factthe productions have all been carefully chosen and he showed that he had great talent. It seems that he also did some singing, mostly performing funny and ironic pieces.

What happened to Enzo Iacchetti

However, it is a certain thing that the popularity towards the general public came for him when in 1994 he began to present, together with Ezio Greggio, the famous satirical newspaper Striscia la Notizia. Although they have often been at the center of controversy due to some unfortunate outbursts, the two have become very popular also by virtue of the chemistry they have. In fact, from that moment on they have never left each other and have continued to work alongside each other.

Not everyone knows that in his life Enzo Iacchetti also often spent himself in social battles and charity campaigns, using their popularity to highlight some important causes. Yet, perhaps not everyone knows about the episode that happened in the Mediaset studio in which the presenter was beaten. Let’s find out what happened.

Enzo Iacchetti (source Ansa) –

Beaten up in Mediaset studio

There was an episode that probably not everyone knows about, which happened to the host Enzio Iacchetti during an episode of Striscia la Notizia. The two hosts had had an idea that it would be an understatement to define as extravagant. This happened on New Year’s Eve.

Enzo Iacchetti arrived at the studio wearing mountain clothes and said that he had organized a torchlight procession the day before, but it didn’t end well. In fact, he added that he got lost on the road, while leading the way and everyone ended up on the Brenner motorway. The angry group of climbers beat him. However, this tale simply was a gag organized for the evening and therefore not of a real event.

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