Italy 24 Press News

“If you make a mistake, it’s right to pay”

Many imagined that there wasn’t exactly good blood between Belen Rodriguez and the Milanese influencer. Over the years they themselves, with small declarations or social comments they had hinted at their dislike for each other. But now it seems that the thing has been directly confirmed by one of the two. Now by the way the two are also rivals as entrepreneurssince they both have both a make-up brand and a clothing brand tied to their image. However, it seems that, thanks to Chiara Ferragni’s image fall, many now feel more comfortable attacking her indiscriminately, knowing they won’t find the resistance they once would have found from her followers. Recently, in fact, even Giulia De Lellis herself had had something to say about her blonde colleague, going so far as to tell the reason that pushed both of them to unfollow each other on Instagram. Now the Argentine model also enters with a straight leg attacking Fedez’s ex.

Belen’s attack on Chiara Ferragni

The disputed terrain is the one that has been influencing the career of Italy’s most famous digital entrepreneur for months: the pandoro scandal, about which Selvaggia Lucarelli also had a lot to say, so much so that she wrote an entire book about it. It was mainly the gossip site that spread the news Biccywho repeated the words of Stefano De Martino’s ex, pronounced inn the occasion of the Benevento National Film and Television Festivalrelaunching them and making them go viral:” I don’t read negative comments that arrive on social media, although I’m sorry to note that 80% of these come from women. It’s something I don’t understand and will never understand but, somehow, I’ve made peace with it. I think, for example, of what happened to Chiara Ferragni: regardless of the fact itself and considering that if you make a mistake it is right to pay in the competent officesseeing all the hate and meanness that has come her way hurts. We need more solidarity, we need more understanding, and less judgement. In general, I try to empathize with people who criticizebecause it is clear that they have been through something bad to behave in that way.” In short, even if the two do not love each other, and Belen has made it clear that Chiara has made a mistake and must pay for what she has done, it seems that the Argentine presenter wants to ask an olive branch between you and the influencer.

Rodriguez’s Previous Speeches on Ferragni

Belen had already entered into the issue in the past on his social media, answering an Instagram question from a follower, on that occasion he had already clarified what he thought about Chiara, not hiding the fact that he did not maintain a good relationship with her: “I also felt angry when I read the situation that concerns her. She and I have never had a good relationship, but it was the fault of third parties. But humanity also exists seeing how wickedness is covering her on social media from morning to night I feel like saying enough. She was wrong, but leave her alone now.”

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