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The mind-boggling wealth of Marina and Pier Silvio Berlusconi

Need to know: here is the mind-boggling wealth of Marina and Pier Silvio Berlusconi, how much it amounts to. All the information and curiosities.

Marina and Pier Silvio they are the first two children Silvio Berlusconi had with his first wife Carla Dall’Ogliomarried in 1965 after a year of engagement. The firstborn Marina was born in 1966, while the second-born Pier Silvio was born in 1969. Silvio Berlusconi’s first two children have always been at the top of the family businesses.

The heritage of Marina and Pier Silvio Berlusconi (Combo photo Ansa) –

Marina Berlusconi is president of Fininvestthe Berlusconi family’s shareholding company, and the Arnoldo Mondadori Editore groupwhich he has led since 2003. While Pier Silvio Berlusconi is executive vice president and CEO of the Mediaset Group and president of RTI, the Italian company that operates all of Mediaset’s television activities.

These prestigious positions earn both Marina and Pier Silvio high earnings, to which is added their personal assets, consisting of property, company shares plus villas and other assets that they inherited from their father. Let’s find out how much wealth Marina and Pier Silvio Berlusconi have.

The Heritage of Marina and Pier Silvio Berlusconi

At the time of inheritance, the Silvio Berlusconi’s total assets were valued at 6-7 billion eurosof which the largest part went to the first two children Marina and Pier Silvioboth obtaining the 53% share of Fininvestthe family holding company that holds significant stakes in the companies Mediaset, Mondadori and Banca Mediolanum. Until a few months ago, the net worth of both Marina and Pier Silvio had been estimated by the financial newspapers in approximately 1.6 billion each. According to more recent updates, however, it would have grown further.

Silvio Berlusconi and his children (Photo Ansa) –

Given the numerous positions and the various company shareholdings with their respective share dividends, it is not easy to calculate exactly the assets of billionaires like Berlusconi’s children. It also often happens that not even such people know exactly how much their assets amount to.

According to updated data from Forbes real time international ranking, the assets of both Marina and Pier Silvio Berlusconi would have risen to $2.2 billion each (in euros approximately 2.06 billion). The assets of both had, therefore, a significant increase.

The assets of Berlusconi’s other children, however, are smaller, Barbara, Eleonora and Luigihad by his second wife Veronica Lario, who they each have $1.3 billion.

Silvio Berlusconi’s will increased Marina and Pier Silvio’s shares in Fininvest, as we mentioned above, bringing their shareholding to a total of 53%. The shares of the other three brothers had smaller increases. Then, Berlusconi’s children divided their father’s personal assets in equal parts, especially the luxurious villas he owned in Italy and abroad.

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