Italy 24 Press News

Last, the reaction of Heather Parisi’s children on Jacqueline’s pregnancy: what happened

The news of the pregnancy of Jacqueline Luna Di Giacomo, daughter of Heather Parisi, sparked various reactions among her family, with some very visible responses on social media and others more discreet. Jacqueline, born from the relationship between Heather Parisi and the doctor Giovanni Di Giacomo, announced her pregnancy during one of the concerts of Ultimo, her better half, and with an affectionate embrace with her father, to whom she gave the nickname “Nonno Nanni “. Jacqueline’s older sister, Rebecca Jewel Manenti, born from Heather’s previous marriage to Giorgio Manenti, was one of the first to express her joy publicly. Rebecca, who was born in 1994, expressed her happiness through an Instagram post in which she declared: “My heart explodes.” The following day, she shared another photo smiling, excited about becoming an aunt. In contrast, Jacqueline’s other two younger siblings, Elizabeth Jaden and Dylan Maria, children of Heather Parisi and Umberto Maria Anzolin, have not yet made public statements regarding the news. These two brothers live in Hong Kong with their mother and are quite active on social media, but have chosen not to publicly comment on her sister’s announcement. The relationship between Heather Parisi and her eldest daughters is known to be rather complex and distant. Jacqueline herself revealed that she hadn’t seen her mother for about a decade, a gap accentuated by Heather’s move to Hong Kong. Despite this distance, Rebecca and Jacqueline maintain a very close bond. Photo credits: Kikapress, Music by Korben MKdB

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