Italy 24 Press News

Alessia Marcuzzi, blocked trachea and purple face in the restaurant: lethal suffocation | Her life hanging by a thread

Alessia Marcuzzi told how she risked her life due to a trivial episode. The joy could turn into a real drama

An iconic face of Italian television and the world of entertainment, a career that has spanned several generations of viewers and which continues with great successes and personal gratifications. Years pass but Alessia Marcuzzi is still riding high.

The last event that saw her perform with her usual ease as presenter paired with Carlo Conti is the evening of “Donatello’s David”the prestigious award given to the film and the Italian actors who shone the most during the season.

For the rest we know everything or almost everything, even about his private life. Marcuzzi has had relationships with more or less well-known showbiz characters, two of whom gave birth to her children Tommaso and Mia. For the record, Simone Inzaghi’s eldest son became a FIFA agent and players’ agent.

Many professional and personal satisfactions for the beautiful presenter who, however, some time ago encountered a misadventure that could have devastating and fatal consequences. And she herself recounts the incident in detail.

Alessia Marcuzzi, what happened that time in London: the disturbing story

We were in a restaurant in London with Paolo (the ex-husband), Tommy and other friends and while I was eating a piece of octopus got stuck in my trachea“, he said Alessia Marcuzzi in a dramatic post published on his social profiles.

I realized that I couldn’t breathe anymoreI got up and started rolling my eyes and asking for help“. Her ex-spouse and her son Tommaso immediately gave her help: they both tried to make her spit out the morsel by hitting her on the back.

Wilma Facchinetti saved Alessia Marcuzzi’s life (Instagram) –

Alessia Marcuzzi, here’s who saved her life: “I will thank her forever”

The attempts, however, were in vain and Marcuzzi began to really fear for her life at that moment. “I really thought I was dying, I couldn’t understand anything anymore“. Luckily for him Francesco Facchinetti’s partner, Wilma Faissolmanaged to avert a possible tragedy.

Wilma took me from behind and held me giving me a strong upward blow on the sternum. Suddenly I spat out the piece that was blocking my breathing and started swallowing again. I turned and hugged her really tight. She saved my life, I will never forget it‘”. A true friend, more than…

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