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Amadeus and the confession about his dramatic illness: he never fully recovered

Amadeus and the dramatic confession regarding an illness that affected him: here are the details and curiosities of the story.

One of the men who, after Pippo Baudo, has literally changed the way of performing for the new generation is him, the great Amadeus. For four years, in addition to having an immense talent for conducting, he was also artistic director of the Sanremo Festival, bringing success to some singers as well as their songs now known throughout the world. Recently, he wanted to make a confession about an illness that affected him: let’s find out the details.

Amadeus illness drama, here’s what happened – credit ansa –

Given the success, Amadeus has managed to convey lightness, professionalism and many qualities to his beloved audience not only in the programs that he has hosted in a professional manner until now, but also thanks to the Sanremo Festival which has completely modernized keeping 15 million people glued to the screen.

In fact, together with his friend Fiorello, Ama managed to give moments of lightheartedness and lightness to the public during the Covid-19 pandemic, even tackling the Festival without an audience. 2024 was the decisive year for the future of Amadeus which, in addition to saying no to a Future Festival, he even decided to change network by moving to Nove and curating a new project.

Despite the change, Amadeus remains one of the pioneers in the world of entertainment and hosting and who, together with his dear friend and colleague Fiorello, have managed to make the Sanremo evenings light-hearted as well as using strategies suitable for involving an audience from the smallest to the most adult . As? With the study and research of the singers of the moment such as Angelina Mango, Geolier, I Maneskin and Negroamaro in past editions of the event.

Amadeus and the revelation about his illness: here are the details

Although we are used to seeing Amadeus as the total source of inspiration for Italian management, behind his professionalism lies a drama that struck him some time ago and which worried everyone a bit: we are talking about a health problem called nephritis and which struck him when he was just a 7-year-old child.

Amadeus illness drama – credit ansa-

In detail, to the microphones of Il Corriere della sera, Amadeus confessed: “I’m like Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde, I become another person. It’s probably due to the fact that when I was little, at 7 years old, I had nephritis and was hospitalized in isolation for three months; probably I never recovered from that trauma.”

Adding one more detail: “I remember the room where I was ‘caged’ at the Bussolengo hospital in the province of Verona in detail as if it were yesterday”.

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