Italy 24 Press News

Giulia Cecchettin’s family and the decision not to watch. «For us there is only the process»

OfGiovanni Viafora

The reaction to Filippo Turetta’s report. Dignity and composure, that intent of father Gino to follow his daughter’s ideals: “I don’t know who inflicted this great pain on us.” And at the first hearing he promised that he will be there

No, he didn’t look. Not they have watched. Gino Cecchettin, Giulia’s father and Elena, her sister, were far from television and that horror the other evening; resurfaced, regurgitated. The next day, someone told them about the TV show. Of the words of their Giulia’s killer. The essential. But it’s as if it were a voice coming from another world, an echo lost in the void. «I don’t have the desire, I don’t care…», was Gino’s whisper to the people close to him.

Always dignified, exemplary, lucid: with what strength this man manages not to turn around, not to look back, not to let himself be carried away, is difficult only to imagine. But it is his demeanor, his style that has been followed with sure steps since that terrible day. «I have decided to ignore those who inflicted this great pain on us – he repeated several times -. I have to concentrate all my energies on the ideal that Giulia would have wanted.”

Cecchettin started working again after the tragedy — the office of his electronics company is practically under his house, in Vigonovo, in the Venetian area —; deals with promotion Dear Giulia (Rizzoli), the book-dialogue about his daughter, and for this reason he travels around Italy. And, finally, she works on the organization of the Foundation that took the name of Giulia, created to raise public awareness of gender violence and to provide support to those who are victims of it. An assiduous, constant commitment (Gino has a notebook: makes dozens of phone calls every day to involve professors, experts, writes down their names, their numbers).

Then, of course, there are the children: Elena (who is concentrating on his thesis in Vienna and has recently toured Europe a bit) e David, the minor. And that small but precious space of freedom – the dance lessons – that Gino wanted to regain (he had started together with his wife Monica, who died of cancer a year before Giulia’s murder). Its microcosm.

Cecchettin, after the release of Turetta’s minutes, he let the family’s lawyer do the talking: «I prefer to concentrate on the trial that we will have shortly – declared the lawyer Stefano Tigani -. The only thing that matters is that justice is done for sweet Giulia. That interests me”. And at the trial, moreover, Gino will be there. He announced it recently: «I’m not afraid to mention the name of Filippo Turetta – he said -. I will be at the first hearing as a sign of respect and because the judges need to have a sign from the family.”

On that occasion Cecchettin could meet Filippo’s parents in person, with whom, in recent months, we have written: «We have messaged each other a couple of times – said Gino on some occasions -. I would like to hug them. They are experiencing a bigger drama than mine.” Another profound gesture of peace, always in the name of Giulia.

June 22, 2024 (changed June 23, 2024 | 09:12)


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