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Fedez and Taylor Mega, the flirtation that Chiara Ferragni didn’t like – DiLei

Fedez, Taylor Mega and then Chiara Ferragni and Tony Effe: it’s a sea ​​magnum Of indiscretions the one in which the two (almost) most famous ex-spouses on the Internet try to stay afloat and who – between one provocation and another – also find time to take care of their respective new flirts. And yes, because you pass Guarantee Authié, but Taylor Mega really isn’t. Thus, the digital entrepreneur who has been trying to revive her reputation for months after the Pandoro designer case, tried to have her say on the bond that seems to have already been overcome between her husband and the influencer ex of rapper Tony Effe. As? Blocking her on social media.

Fedez and Taylor Mega together, Chiara Ferragni’s reaction

Swipe, swipe, swipe: block. This would have been Chiara Ferragni’s reaction to her umpteenth indiscretion which sees her husband Fedez alongside a well-known and beautiful influencer, Taylor Mega, already furious about her – bond – with the rapper Tony Effe. And yes, because now it’s all a dispute between exes. On the one hand the rapper from Rozzano who appears increasingly confused and intent on putting order in her life, on the other the influencer from Cremona who responds with skirmishes, also leaving one to believe that there was something with the artist from MIU MIU (of which she wore glasses and sandals in full dissing with her husband).

In short, while everyone identified Garance Authié as his new girlfriend (who quickly became ex), Chiara Ferragni learned of a flirtation that now dates back several months. Hence the decision to practice a unforgivable unfollow against Taylor Mega, one rude no small feat for the social world and which would tell a lot about the current mood of Fedez’s wife from whom she is about to legally separate after the breakup at the beginning of 2024.

Fedez’s return to social media

He had been missing for a few days, probably to take a break and to take care of his health since he was in the hospital again, but the Fedez’s return to social media it was anything but ordinary. On the one hand because he wanted to reveal something very personal about him (in the carousel of photos we see him with an IV in his arm) and on the other because he served us on a silver platter yet another provocation – or response – which it seems directed towards his ex-wife.

The artist of Sex Shop he has in fact become the owner of a beautiful golden retriever puppyjust like Paloma, and started carrying it everywhere. Little Silvio – who soon might also meet Leone and Vittoria – it’s an explosion of joy and energy. We saw him running happily with his owner, doing his business on the carpet as was the canine tradition in the Ferragnez household and even joining him in the recording room.

There’s no mention of peace with Chiara Ferragni, on the contrary. The two spouses appear more distant than ever and they are ready to end their marriage with one consensual separation for which Fedez has already hired the team of exceptional lawyers who followed the divorce case between Ilary Blasi and Francesco Totti.

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