Italy 24 Press News

Le Iene, Veronica Ruggeri and Niccolò De Devitiis have broken up

Le Iene fans have known and appreciated them for years not only for their services for the Italia 1 program, but also for the many couple trips well documented on Instagram: Veronica Ruggeri And Niccolò De Devitiistogether for years, broke up and the confirmation came via social media from the 33-year-old, who has been among the leading faces of Hyenas.

Veronica Ruggeri’s announcement

After the rumors leaked in recent days, yesterday Veronica Ruggeri decided to take matters into her own hands and confirm the end of the long love story: “It’s true, Nicolò and I broke up a few weeks ago!”, wrote the 33-year-old in a story on Instagram: “It was a beautiful story, we often shared moments of our lives with you and I think it’s right to let you participate even of this moment.

FROM colleagues to couples in life

The two colleagues had landed at Hyenas more or less in the same period, now eleven years ago, but love had blossomed a few years later, after the end of the story between Ruggeri and another colleaguethe correspondent Stefano Corti who has been a regular couple with the singer since 2019 Bianca Atzei and last year he became the father of little Noa Alexander.

The breakup after almost 5 years of love

The announcement of the end of the relationship came within hours of what would have been the couple’s fifth anniversary, on June 20, as documented by those directly involved on Instagram, last year, to the sound of dedications of love. A year later, the paths of Veronica Ruggeri and Niccolò De Devitiis separated, at least on a sentimental level since today they are both still in the cast of Hyenasready to return to Italy with the 28th season of the program in a handful of months.

The silence of De Devitiis

In the words of Veronica Ruggeri no comment followed of the other part of the now ex-couple. The almost 34-year-old, very active on Instagram, limited himself to sharing a shot of the famous man among his IG stories Finger Of Maurizio Cattelan placed in the center of Piazza degli Affari in Milan and many wondered if that photo actually hid a response to ex-girlfriend’s public announcement. Time and gossip will tell us.

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