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A Cop in Elementary School, the most famous line from the film with Schwarzenegger (yes, that one!) was not in the script

“Males have penises, females have vaginas.” Miko Hughes, former child of A Cop in Elementary School, told how the most famous and funny line of the comedy with Arnold Schwarzenegger was born.

If we were to make a list of family comedies most loved of the Nineties, we could not under any circumstances neglect it A Policeman in Elementary School (1990). In the film of Ivan Reitmanthe legendary Arnold Schwarzenegger plays the undercover cop John Kimbleforced to pose as a kindergarten teacher to protect the wife and son of a dangerous drug trafficker. Initially Kimble encounters many difficulties in managing the class of undisciplined brats, but over time he will be able to understand how to deal with them and make them respect him.

Among those children there was also Miko Hughes, who was only four years old at the time. This name will probably mean little or nothing to readers. On the contrary, everyone will remember that chubby child who, in the iconic scene of the film, raises his hand and then proudly states that ‘males have penises, females have vaginas‘, causing hilarity among his friends.

Hughes, now 38, was a guest on the podcast Full House Rewind and recalled his experience on the set of the raucous comedy. Above all, she revealed how one of the most memorable lines of the nineties. The boy to whom he lent his face is the son of a gynecologist. The sensational quote, apparently, was not in the film script original. It came out following a revisiting of the dialogues, in line with the casual chats that Schwarzenegger had with his little co-stars.

I think I was the youngest in my Cop class in elementary school,” Hughes recalled. “The story my parents have for me is that, you know, they didn’t have a line for me. I didn’t have any lines written. Some were written directly on set.

After observing ‘Schwarzy’ relate to children, Ivan Reitman he came up with a plan for “who, what and where they would do everything.” That’s when she came up with that joke.

The version I was told was that they went to my parents and told them they wanted me to say this line, which is a little provocative. I guess my mother said she would think about it for a couple of days. She was like, ‘This is crazy. I do not know. All right? Goes wrong?’

Eventually, Mom and Dad gave the okay and the rest is history. “[Mamma, ndr] He thought, ‘This is going to be the line everyone will remember,’ and he gave it the okay. And yes, now I will forever be remembered as the child of ‘boys have penises, girls have vaginas’.” And that’s exactly how it went. That moment, as spontaneous as it was unexpected, became the most quoted of the film and it definitely brought luck to Miko Hughes.

A Cop in Elementary School, Miko Hughes: “Schwarzenegger was fantastic”

A Policeman in Elementary School was received enthusiastically by the public and, against a budget of 26 million dollars, it grossed $202 million at the US box office. During the interview, Hughes confirmed that acting alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger it was a priceless experience.

It was great. He was very nice to all the kids. He was ‘Mr. Serious Action Star’ and that was kind of a character break. A fish out of water situation for him, which was great. It seemed to work very well for him.

As for Miko, hers child actor career – already started before Reitman’s film – went ahead at full speed. And it includes titles such as Apollo-13 And Mercury Codealongside iconic TV series such as The Nanny, Beverly Hills, 90210 And Baywatch. Furthermore, from the ages of 4 to 9, she starred in 12 episodes of the sitcom Dad’s Friendsin the role of Aaron.

He also participated in the famous horror films Pet Sematary (1989) e Nightmare – New nightmare (1994) by Wes Craven. “I never really thought I would become, like, the horror kid. But those movies have a big fan base. So now I go to horror conventions and have horror-loving fans, I guess.”

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