Italy 24 Press News

Chiara Ferragni, the theft attempt was unsuccessful: she saved herself at the last second

After surviving a media earthquake and a sentimental tragedy, Chiara Ferragni also suffered an attempted theft.

Chiara Ferragni continues to show off great strength of character. Her public image and her business have faced real cataclysms, but she is still there, on social media, doing what she does best: producing content that followers will discuss. While she manages her new single life, after the breakup with Fedez and tries to overcome the consequences of the Pandoro Balocco scandal, Chiara has repeatedly declared that she wants to live in the present, to return to worrying about important things: herself, her children and her work.

Chiara Ferragni talks about the attempted theft she suffered (Photo: Ansa) –

After Pandoro Gate and the separation from Fedez, Chiara Ferragni had to change her style a bit: the contents on his social media reveal a very different register compared to the past. It often happens that Chiara talks about her psychological situation and how she is coping with it post-separation period. He shares his thoughts and feelings with his followers.

Everything has returned to the dominant mood in the pre-Fedez phase: Chiara Ferragni is therefore went back to talking about clothes, make-up, travel, accessories, with some tangential mention of her life as a mother and as a now separated woman. It’s certainly a transition period for her. And it is not yet possible to know whether the influencer will really withstand the shock wave of the crisis.

Chiara Ferragni and the attempted theft: here’s what happened

In a recent story published on Instagram, Chiara Ferragni also shows her followers how she managed to foil a theft attempt. That’s right: an attacker tried to surprise her in a moment of distraction, but she with quick reflexes managed to escape.

The dog Paloma: caught in the act of committing a crime (Photo: Instagram @chiaraferragni) –

In the video published by Chiara, the influencer says that Paloma he tried to steal her toast while getting a pedicure. There is also a fairly clear still image that nails the thief. Who is Paloma? This is Chiara Ferragni’s dog, a beautiful Golden Retriever. Paloma was welcomed into the Ferragnez family after the passing of their previous dog, Matilda. She and she is an important member of the family, to whom Chiara’s children seem very close.

The thief, therefore, will benefit from the pardon and will not be punished for the attempted theft. Even if she is in economic crisis, Chiara Ferragni will be able to forgive her and perhaps prepare a nice toast just for her. Paloma therefore remained to live with Chiara, and it seems that Fedez didn’t take it very well.

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