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Sonia Bruganelli, the commentator’s announcement shocks everyone: what has she decided

Sonia Bruganelli –

Surprise announcement on social media by Sonia Bruganelli, commentator of the latest edition of the Island of the Famous. The TV producer explained what the near future holds for her, and her words left many speechless.

Sonia Bruganelli at the Island of the Famous with Vladimir Luxuria and Dario Maltesi –

She is considered by many fans of the genre to be one of the best reality commentators around, and even today, many Big Brother viewers miss her presence in the studio. This year Sonia Bruganelli was the protagonist of Island of the Famous, reprising the role that made her famous on TV. The edition of the survival show, however, proved to be rather unfortunate, undermined by sudden programming changes and an uninteresting cast for the audience at home, who had almost nothing famous about them.

The former Mrs. Bonolis did her best, trying to unleash dynamics and help the presenter Vladimir Luxuria as she could, but the ratings did not benefit, with rather low percentages which now call into question the broadcasting of the program next season. And although during the press conference dedicated to the balance of the television season that has just aired Pier Silvio Berlusconi defined L’Isola dei Famosi as a strong format that still has a lot to give, the general impression is that this may have been the latest edition broadcast by Mediaset, at least. However, there is great news in store for the television producer, as she herself announced during a question box held on her Instagram profile.

Sonia Bruganelli talks about her future on TV and surprises her fans

On social media Sonia wanted to answer the many questions she received from fans, and naturally some of these focused on her latest TV experience and what awaits her in the future. “How was this experience as a commentator on the Island of the Famous? Certainly very different from the previous Big Brother one” Bruganelli responded diplomatically, who he then added that he had definitively ended his experience as a commentator: “I think I’ve run out of time commenting on reality TV” has explained.

Already in the past, some viewers had gone so far as to consider her ready to take the reins of a reality show herself, but even in this case Sonia backtracked: “At the moment I don’t feel ready, and furthermore I still don’t know where the new editorial line is going” the producer had in fact responded, adding that she considered the current period to be rather particular, and having always made his choices based on whether he considered his contribution constructive or not to the program. So what would Sonia like to do, besides TV castings? According to what she herself declared, she would very much like to do a program dedicated to books. Who knows, maybe her wish may soon come true, perhaps as early as the next television season.

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