Italy 24 Press News

“I remember well when pink was only feminine or earrings were despised, let’s move on”: Alex Wyse deflects criticism for her skirt

In 2024 there are still those on social media who criticize a singer for his look. This also happens among very young people, demonstrating that there is still a long way to go for inclusion

Alex Wyse finalist of “Friends of Maria De Filippi” 2022 edition held a concert and showed off a look, which to tell the truth he had already shown on other occasions, total black and with a long elegant skirt. Open up heaven. The singer has been inundated with criticism over the concept “masculinity” and that it is not “in good taste” for a man to wear women’s clothes. But it is absurd that in 2024 a man or a woman is still judged based on their dress or look. Yet it happened. There are also those who good-naturedly pointed out, to lighten the drama, that the look is perfect because it highlights a hidden “talent” of Alex’s: “For me, not valorizing an infinite talent is a huge sin”. But apart from this note of color, the singer-songwriter rightly wanted to respond to the objections that were raised about the skirt.

“I am myself and everyone should find their being without hiding. – Alex wrote on social media – Music made sure that I didn’t hide, many times I think that people hide too many sides to society, friendships or how things are going. As I have already said… I will always fight for my freedom, which in reality I imagine is also yours despite having the desire to comment like this.”

Then he turned to his fans. “I know how to calmly accept you into my life, I would just like to point out how much intellectual poverty exists, and how much a person can be forced to remain in a concept of freedom dictated by your rules for fear of your judgement. You people be strong feel free to communicate and be what and who you think you are, chase your dreams and fight ignorance. I remember well when pink was only feminine or earrings were despised, we can go much further, no one can set boundaries except us”.

The discussion then turns to why we need to judge others: “We are wrong for whom? If life is ours in the end. I would like to always live without judgment and admire everything. These people are not evil in my opinion, they just don’t know the art of acceptance. he only knows what I consider standard. Unfortunately, living in a shared world we all need to feel comfortable with peopleif a percentage of them cuts off your freedom by making you weigh it with a judgment, I don’t think my acceptance and silence can exist.”

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