Italy 24 Press News

Chiara Ferragni breaks the silence, the video on Instagram: “I’ve been through a lot”

Chiara Ferragni, six months after the video in which she spoke about the Pandoro affair, returned to Instagram thanking everyone and sharing the moment of rebirth she is experiencing.

Chiara Ferragnisix months after the video in which he spoke about the story of Pandororeturned to Instagram thanking everyone and sharing the moment of rebirth she is experiencing.

Chiara Ferragni: “Excited for this new life”

The influencer, for the first time, reappeared on her social network after the now officialisation of her much talked about separation with Fedez who seems to be a permanent couple now with the young French model, Authi guarantees “Hi guys”he began Clear as is his custom when he addresses his numerous followers and then continues by telling the story his path of rebirth:

“I’m in the office, it’s been a while since I spoke to you and I thought it was time to make a story and talk to you”, this is how Ferragni’s video message begins. “Lately I have a new energy and for this I have to thank you for all the comments and for always being by my side. I am working a lot on myself at this moment in my life. I have been through a lot, as you have probably all seen, but now I feel like I’m getting back to being myself and that’s the best feeling in the world.”

“And I’m excited for this new energy and everything to come, all the new projects I’m working on that I can’t wait to share with you, and just this new life in general. I think we can all be magical and we should all look for magic in our existence. I felt I needed to connect with you more, I love you.”

Chiara Ferragni and Fedezthey currently seem one step away from making the divorce official even if the rumors and indiscretions about the breakup between the influencer and the rapper are the order of the day and have been going crazy for weeks on social media and in our local media.

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