Italy 24 Press News

“The crises with Pierpaolo Pretelli due to jealousy. Now we are ready to take a step forward”

Giulia Salemi in her podcast Non lo fa x moda talked about herself, her past and her love with Pierpaolo Pretelli. She revealed that he is her first true love and after the crises triggered by excessive jealousy, they are ready “to evolve the relationship”.

Giulia Salemi in the latest episode of his podcast I don’t do it for fashion decided to become the protagonist of an intense interview. From his childhood marked by the separation of his parents to the years spent with his adoptive sister Nausicaa before losing sight of it, then from the relationship with sex to that with Pierpaolo Pretellithe boyfriend with whom she now dreams of building a family.

Giulia Salemi’s childhood, the relationship with her parents and Nausicaa

Giulia Salemi suffered as a child. She felt marginalized and was unable to make new friends: “The separation of my parents was decisive, it was the event that changed me. If they hadn’t had a legal war in which I was thrown into the middle, I wouldn’t have left the city to look for myself” said the famous influencer. Another episode that marked her life was the one that saw the presence of Nausicaa, his adoptive sister for a few years. When she was 5 years old, her mother, Fariba Tehrani, adopted the daughter of a friend who could not look after her newborn baby, but a few years later her baby returned to her adoptive mother. The story:

Another person I lost during my childhood was Nausicaa. My mother adopted, unofficially, a little girl, the daughter of one of her friends who couldn’t keep her. When she arrived I was 5 years old, she was like a little sister to me until I was 12. My parents weren’t the best, my mom was always very strict, then she gave love and attention to the new baby, this thing drove me crazy. Then she became my little sister and she also had several problems at school, physical problems. When her mother argued with her mother, the little girl returned to her mother. I was 12 years old and I never saw her again. For me it remained a taboo, a wound. I regretted not having given her enough love, that I had naively been jealous of her attentions.

After having come a long way in the world of work, today he dreams of being able to host Sanremo. He would like to return to TV,”because I have the presumption to say that I deserve it. Then I hope to start a family, to be able to reconcile the two worlds“, he added.

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The relationship with sex and the future with Pierpaolo Pretelli

“Mom taught me that ‘sex is sacred,’ as if it were something to do only when there is true love.”. Thus Giulia Salemi said that she often suffered from her ideas that had been instilled in her by her mother. “The partner should then go through X exits to demonstrate that there is interest. I had three relationships in Piacenza where I applied the Fariba method. Once I arrived in Milan, however, I went out with boys and I became rigid. Later I learned that sex is important to start a relationship. Everyone I dated looked at me like an alien. I was cold, scared” she explained, and because of this she began to feel insecure and not have relationships. “I felt like if I gave in, I would be doing a wrong, sinful thing. This thing led me to not have relationships, I got worse physically, I didn’t like myself. I wasn’t in a happy period in my life, I felt like nothing. I went out and no one hit on me, this triggered various complexes that I unblocked with Pierpaolo, it made me become a woman“.

With Pierpaolo Pretelli, today, the story is going swimmingly. They had to overcome difficult moments, marked by his excessive jealousy, Salemi explained, but now they would be ready to take a step forward. She said: “He was the first real man. There have been difficult moments, coexistence leads you to face certain issues, as well as character diversity. I consider myself very serious, despite this he was very jealous. Excessive jealousy led me to become strange, to cry, to behave like a wounded person. A wrong and twisted mechanism was triggered where words generated bad words, it became a game of who hurts the most. I think that was the problem, then with work we were nervous, we took it out on each other. We have found our balance“. Today they are ready to build a future together:

We are in a very calm, resolved moment. We are mature, ready to take a step forwardto help the relationship evolve.

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