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Simona Ventura, controversy over wedding invitations with IBAN: “Cafonata”

There is less and less left until the fateful day for the couple dancing with the Stars. And as the wedding date approaches they start to get there too the first wedding spoilers of the yearhighly anticipated and remembered every Sunday on Che tempo che Fa by the person concerned and by the host of the program. It is all ready for the wedding of Simona Ventura, who, having put aside the paralysis problems she had had on her face in recent weeks, he will only have to wait until July 6th to realize his dream. After six years together, the presenter will marry the journalist Giovanni Terzi. However, what is causing chatter in these hours is not so much the event itself, but rather a decision that would have been taken by the couple, namely that of put the iban on wedding invitations. The practice, quite widespread in recent years, had not often been seen in VIP weddings, so much so that it sparked a real debate and called into question the class of the bride and groom.

The participations with Iban of Simona Ventura and Giovanni Terzi

Simona Ventura and Giovanni Terzi, before celebrating their wedding in July, they will also celebrate in Milan on June 26th with a super party. The wedding will be held in a hotel called their “Place of the heart”, where they will be about a thousand guests expected. A ceremony with impressive numbers. But it is other types of numbers that have caused the public to discuss. According to what the website reveals Mowthe ticket for the event would also have come into the possession of someone who sent them to the editorial staff who reports that at the bottom it is found an Iban code with “Reasonal name Simona and Giovanni Honeymoon”. In short, the couple would have decided to allocate the income received from guests to finance their honeymoon with a sort of spontaneous donation. The practice has become more and more common in weddings over the years, not particularly beautiful to look at on invitations, but certainly a choice of modernization, which goes beyond the classic “envelopes” received during the ceremonies by the spouses, which in turn are not particularly refined, requiring the use of boxes or other systems that perhaps the spouses would like to avoid during the ceremony. In short, nothing transcendental, other than the fact that this choice is made by two stars.

The reaction on social media

In fact, many online point out how it is unusual for a couple like Simona Ventura and Giovanni Terzi insert the bank details in the wedding invitations, since these are not two individuals who will probably have to do the math carefully before organizing the ceremony. Others point out how they are not even a very young married couple, therefore probably not even that in need of furnishing their home, at this particular moment of their life, buying furniture or appliances. Now the choice has gone viral on social media: between those who define the inclusion of the IBAN as embarrassing, and those who underline “You are already privilegedit could have been avoided”, and again: “Soldini has too many of themif it were true I would be ashamed!”. Even on TikTok we read a very harsh invective towards the presenter: “Shame on you, not even for giving them to charity…How disgusting! I have never liked her, vulgar, rude, forced even if she is not Roman.” Meanwhile, also the journalist Grace Sambruna without too many turns of phrase, he asks: “But what is this nonsense?“.

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