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Fedez, the dig at your ex-sister-in-law is very heavy: fiery words

Fedez freewheeling against his ex-sister-in-law Valentina Ferragni, the rapper no longer wants to remain silent and drops the bomb.

Fedez has now decided to definitively move on and to those who criticize his way of life he replies that there is nothing wrong, since he is single and is trying to continue his life. And recently she released a statement that she is above all a dig at her ex-sister-in-law Valentina Ferragni.

Fedez’s dig at Valentina Ferragni –

The rapper no longer wants to remain silent and if at the beginning the declarations on the finished marriage with Chiara Ferragni were more veiled, now he no longer worries about being clear and direct. So he launched a jab at the digital entrepreneur’s younger sister.

Fedez and the birthday cake case: the jab against Valentina Ferragni

The rapper is now a river in flood, after the words about Paloma – the Golden Retriever they had taken with Chiara Ferragni – he decided to launch a dig against Valentina Ferragni. During a podcast with the streamer GrenBaud, it seems that he wanted to remove a few pebbles from his shoe.

What Fedez said, the words against Valentina Ferragni (Photo IG @fedez) –

To understand the context of his words, it should be remembered that Fedez himself was a few weeks ago paparazzi in Monte Carlo in the company of a young French model, Guarantee Authié, with whom he is apparently still dating today. The rapper would have received some criticism for the age differenceas well as for the fact that he didn’t waste time being seen with another woman after the end of his marriage to Chiara Ferragni.

So, while talking to his streamer friend, he wanted to make a comment which sounds like a clear dig against Valentina Ferragni. Fedez said that there is one thing that makes him laugh a lot: “(…) But how, if a girl goes out with a younger guy and makes a cake that says ‘my boyfriend who’s ten years younger is so cool’, she’s great. And if a man does it, are you a slimy piece of shit?”.

A clear reference to Valentina Ferragni, who on the occasion of her birthday celebrated with a cake on which was written exactly what Fedez said, since Valentina currently has a relationship with a boy younger than her. So the rapper enjoyed teasing his ex-sister-in-law and who knows if she will decide to respond or prefer silence. Meanwhile, regarding the separation of the Ferragnez, it seems that the games have just begun and that there will be no holds barred.

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