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Guenda Goria, the very harsh illness hit her suddenly: excruciating pain and a rush to the doctor

Guenda Goria, the details on the terrible disease Source @Instagram –

What happened to Guenda Goria and how is he now? All the details on the illness that struck the much-loved actress.

Guenda Goriamusician and actress known for her brilliant career in the world of entertainment and for being the daughter of art of Maria Teresa Rutatelevision presenter, and of Amedeo Goriasports journalist.

Since the fiction “Crimes” she managed to endear herself to the television audience by demonstrating her versatility, which gave her the opportunity to take part in numerous reality and television dramas, such as “Recommended” and the recent “The Ladies’ Paradise” until her debut on the big screen in “The tale of tales” film directed by Matteo Garrone.

We learned to know her better also thanks to her participation as a competitor together with her mother Big Brother VIP 5following which Guenda Goria became more noticed and managed to win the affection of the public, then participating in numerous programs after leaving the house.

The actress class of ’88 he seems to be living a very happy moment. Her road is all uphill. Recently tied the knot with his great love, actor and videomaker, Mirko Gancitano last May 16, but things haven’t always been rosy for her.

Guenda Goria: the story of the disease

The two met in 2021, on holiday, and almost immediately decided to get married, unfortunately postponed due to Guenda Goria’s health problems. The actress due to a ectopic pregnancy she was, in fact, forced to urgently go to hospital, following which she had one of her tubes removed.

Fortunately, Guenda Goria and her partner later gave the happy news that they were expecting a baby name will be Noah and will be born in the middle of summer. The young girl had to face numerous difficulties related to her health and decided to share the story of her painful experience.

Source @Instagram –

Excruciating pain: what happened

Guenda Goria suffers from a gynecological problem highly disabling which unfortunately he shares with many women and which is not yet there enough information. For this reason, she very often talks about the disease that suddenly struck her, which is difficult to diagnose: endometriosis.

The former gieffina declared that many women suffer from endometriosis, but very often the pain symptoms that she too had to endure, are not taken into consideration and it can take several years to get a diagnosis. Have painful menstruation and intercoursethey can be the first alarm bells that should not be underestimated.

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