Italy 24 Press News

he has been doing it for more than 20 years

Roberto Vannacci has chosen to come out into the open about a habit that he cannot escape, which has lasted for more than twenty years.

Ever since he became popular, Roberto Vannacci has not been afraid to openly express his opinions, even with words that might seem uncomfortable, but without fear of possible consequences. However, there was no shortage of criticism, especially from those who did not agree with his thoughts, but he, regardless of the possible consequences, continued along his path without fear.

Roberto Vannacci is not afraid to go against the grain – Photo | ANSA –

Now that he is a candidate in the European Elections it is even easier for him to make news, this time he did it regarding a choice of his that might seem against the grain, but perfectly in line with his ideas. the reference is to a habit of his that he has been carrying on for more than twenty years and which he believes he can stop carrying on at least for now.

Roberto Vannacci, here’s the car he drives

But what is Roberto Vannacci’s habit this time? and what differentiates him, for a change, from many people? The reference is to his way of acting in daily travel, he also has a car but does not seem particularly interested in following the trend like many do.

Often, in fact, barring economic problems there is a rush for the latest model, but this doesn’t seem to concern him: “I have been driving a diesel car for twenty-three years, I bought it in 2001 – he said recently in an interview with ‘La Stampa’ –. One liter of diesel is enough for me to travel 20 kilometres.”

Roberto Vannacci is faithful to his diesel – Photo | Canva –

In short, the trend towards low consumption and vehicles that are sustainable for the environment does not seem to interest him for the moment. The car fleet circulating in Italy is among the oldest, but the idea of ​​changing your car is not a priority for now. Indeed, this belief seems to have arisen in him by looking at an example very close to him: “My nephew has a Tesla, every time he has to come and visit me from Milan to Viareggio it’s a curse because he must count how much he needs to recharge. Electric cars can be good for the city, they are convenient for the rich, since they cost more.”

In short, in his opinion the automotive market should also look more at the economic situation in which many find themselves and act accordingly, but companies in the sector seem to do so only partially: “If I have a loft in Milan with solar panels and I’m a billionaire, or I have a business in Brianza. NoThese are not cars for workers, nurses or poor people”.

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