Italy 24 Press News

«Communists and envious people want to see me fail» VIDEO

A few days ago some activists raided the Twiga to protest against the beach resorts, after the ruling which established that the concessions have expired and must be banned. The same protest also occurred on other “VIP” beaches, such as Papeete, and the owner of Twiga did not like it, Flavio Briatorewho in a video on Instagram attacked the promoters of the initiative, the two parliamentarians of the Alleanza Verdi Sinistra Nicola Fratoianni And Angelo Bonelli.

Briatore’s video

«There is gossip, there is a new couple: Fratoianni and Bonelli. This couple of zeru tituli went in front of the Twiqa with 10 others who had run away from home to protest on the beaches. But they don’t care that 150 people work at Twiga and that during the season it pays almost 3 million euros in taxes – says Briatore in the video – If Twiga went bankrupt, they would be the happiest on earth. They are so envious that their satisfaction is seeing Briatore fail.”

Bonelli and Fratoianni’s response

«And nothing! Briatore discovered us. We are a couple and we admit it, actually a beautiful couple. But, sorry to disappoint Briatore, what moves us is not envy or hatred for his Twiga. And not even the millions of Italians who can no longer go to the seaside because they can’t afford it and because the beaches are privatized are not envious”, the response of deputies Bonelli and Fratoianni.

«At most they are pissed off. And rightly so because a family must spend a minimum of 30-40 euros a day to go to the seaside. And he pays 21 thousand euros a year to the State while he invoices almost 8 million. This is why we proudly claim to have presented a bill for free seas. Because the sea and our coasts are first and foremost a common good that we want to protect. Kind regards to Mr. Briatore. PS We are a couple who pay taxes in Italy. You know, we’re a bit old-fashioned.”


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