Italy 24 Press News

Alessandro Greco and the relationship with faith: «The Lord called me and my wife to follow him»

New television season for Alexander Greco. The 52-year-old TV host returns to the small screen with Unomattina Summer, supported by his colleague Greta Mauro. In a long interview given to the newspaper RepublicAlessandro Greco he opened up about his private and professional life.

He said he had something about himself a strong and authentic relationship with faithwhich helped him overcome difficult moments in his career. «I have the gift of faith and I have clung to my family and Beatrice». Beatrice Bocci, former model, second place in Miss Italy in 1994, she has been the wife of Alessandro Greco since September 2008: together they have two children, Alessandra, born from a previous relationship with Beatrice Bocci, and Lorenzo.

«Fabrizio Frizzi, a wonderful person who remained in my life, introduced her to me. For me faith is important. Beatrice and I inherited it from our families, a simple faith, that of celebrated holidays, then the Lord called us to follow him every day: he is the head of the family».

As for the theme of chastitywhich Alessandro Greco had brought out in 2022, guest of the program Today is another daymaking it known that he and his wife had embraced this choice (“There’s no why, it’s a path”), Republic the TV presenter is keen to point out: «It was not an ostentation, but a choice linked to a period, as part of a journey of faith. They wrote everything. It’s not easy to deal with certain topics”.

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Finally a word for your mentor Raffaella Carrà: «A workaholic craftswoman, she demanded a lot of herself. With her I did the great concert with the Rai Symphony Orchestra to spread classical music to kids. I will always be grateful to her, she considered me a godson».

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The bond with Lino Banfi is also strong, who Alessandro Greco counts among his teachers. «We are children of the ranks, the hard one. When you scrape the bottom of the barrel you just have to believe it and get back up». And it is precisely in those difficult moments that Greco found comfort and strength in faith.

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