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Fiorello forced to live like this after saying goodbye to the very famous man: he lost everything through his fault

Fiorello – (Instagram source)

Bad moment for Fiorello. After saying goodbye to the very famous, the popular showman is forced to completely change his life.

With the usual audience record Fiorello closed the second season of the entertaining program Long live RaiDue!which with the last episode left millions of viewers orphaned.

When he started this adventure, no one probably expected such success. After all, it could have been a program that airs early in the morning penalized from the unusual hour.

And instead the excellent showman worked a miracle as always and kept all the fans who have followed him for years glued to the screen.

Now is the time to rest, collect your thoughts and make plans for the future. But with the farewell to the very famous it will be difficult to maintain the same rhythms and lifestyles. And in fact everything has already changed.

Fiorello lost everything after the farewell

The skills and talent of Fiorello of creating entertainment out of nothing are one of his characteristics. And this time too, as mentioned, he succeeded in the feat. Even if he himself admitted, in the press conference after the last episode of the show, as reported Fanpage: “It was a beautiful story, perhaps unrepeatable, one of those that doesn’t happen on the drawing board because no one would have imagined it would come out like this. The secret of this program was to do it without any pretense. It’s not a program born on paper, it has grown over 10 years. After 10 years we have arrived at making Viva Rai2, with simplicity and with the desire to have fun and bring good humor to Italians. The best news was discovering all the people awake at that time.”

A little bit of meloncholy it’s all he has left, but at the moment there’s nothing on the horizon. Even the farewell of Amadeus, his great friend and sidekick on state TV, it was a nice beating. Who knows if we’ll see each other again Fiorello guest at the Sanremo Festival, now that everything has changed.

Fiorello and Amadeus – (Instagram source)

The new life of the showman

But the farewell of Fiorello it is certainly not to his historical friend nor to the TV – at least we hope – but to the excess kilos. The histrionic cabaret artist has shown enviable lines and at over 60 years old he doesn’t look 50. The secret? There diet dinner cancellingliterally wipes out the diet.

It is a regime that involves fasting from 5pm until the next morning. Water and drinks are obviously allowed, as long as they are sugar-free. According to the creator, in this way a variation will be made on the metabolism and also on the biological clock, with a loss of approx 3 kilos in 2 weeks.

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