Italy 24 Press News

Alessia Toffoli knocked to the ground at the wedding party: the attack

Definitely an unforgettable wedding for Alessia Toffoli23 year old singer from Vittorio Veneto and finalist of Sanremo Youth. Unforgettable not because she was the one who got married, but because with her band The Tremendous she was in charge of entertaining the guests with music. Sound of music and tugging, because, in the middle of the party at the Revedin restaurant, while everything was going well, one of the guests, decidedly tipsy, went crazy.

First he starts giving her a few too many glances and suddenly he approaches her, takes her by the arm and pushes her throws to the ground, causing bruising in different parts of the body: cheekbone, head and knee. The singer, having informed her father, told him: “Dad, a man grabbed me by the arm and threw me violently to the ground. I hit my face against a crate and hit my head.”

The man in question, Thomas Toffolipresident of the Vittoria FdI club, instead declares: “He seemed drunk, and after making that gesture, he continued dancing without showing any remorse. It wasn’t clear exactly why she did it, perhaps because he saw a young girl and got a little fixated but they are gestures that should be condemned. Also because it could have been much worse. If she had fallen differently and she had hit a vital point, it would have been very dangerous.”

Luckily, Alessia was able to count on the care of her mother, a nurse, as her father always explains: “She didn’t go to hospital, she has some bruises. The most visible is the one under the cheekbone. We spoke in the afternoon, everything was fine, then this. When she called me, around midnight, she was upset. She said to me ‘Dad come and get me, I can’t drive’. She in the car she cried all the time, she was shaking and was very sorry, because a wedding party turned into a very bad moment. On Saturday, Alessia was supposed to come with me to Rome, to Piazza del Popolo, to meet Giorgia Meloni. But she was supposed to perform at this wedding and she couldn’t come. And we, who always support her, were unable to be there with her to attend this appointment. Otherwise, perhaps all of this wouldn’t have happened.”

The spouses, obviously, immediately apologized to her: “She, after an initial moment in which she remained on the ground, got up and tried to move forward out of respect for the spouses, to continue celebrating what was the day more important to them. But she was very tired”. No charges will be filed, but the father is keen to reiterate one thing: “Such things transform a party into a truly unpleasant event. I hope nothing like this happens again. Now we hope that Alessia can recover as soon as possible, because she has an upcoming competition in Forlì and she is studying at the Rovigo Conservatory”.

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