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Fedez and model Garance Authié at the Monaco GP: has a new couple been born?

It’s been a few weeks since Fedezinterviewed at Beastsspoke tearfully about the separation from Chiara Ferragni with whom he had children Leo and Victoria. A separation in which, according to gossip, the pandoro-gate by which the influencer was overwhelmed would have played a crucial role. True or not, the thirty-four-year-old rapper seems to have a new flirtation: the twenty year old French model Garance Authié. The two, as revealed by a video released on Instagram by the portal Very Useless Peoplehave been spotted hand in hand to Monaco GP: «A relationship that has been going on for a few months, the first sighting in March in Courchevel, then Paris, Miami, Coachella and now Monte Carlo”, writes the profile accompanying the video. Not only that: in an Instagram story of the singer you can see Garance portrayed from behind on board a yacht, together with Fedez and a group of friends.

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But what do we know about the rapper’s (alleged) new flame? Blonde, blue eyes, six feet tall, Guarantee Authié, born in 2004, began modeling as a child: she was only nine years old when she posed for her first professional photo shoot. And just in the last few days we saw it at Cannes 2024involved in some fashion shows that were staged at the same time as the Film Festival. Passionate about dancing and horse riding, followed by two fashion agencies – one French and one Spanish – the girl dreams of working in cinema in the future. However, she has not put her studies aside: she is enrolled in the IE Business School of MadridUniversity with specialization in management and finance.

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In recent days, the twenty-two-year-old model and student Ludovica di Gresy was pointed out as Fedez’s new flame. It was also said about the girl that she was present at the beating of Cristiano Iovino, for which the rapper is under investigation. Ludovica had denied everything: her presence at the night of violence but also the much talked about flirtation with Fedez, whom she defined as a simple friend. Only a few days have passed since then and the rapper appears at the Monaco GP hand in hand with another twenty-year-old, the French model Garance Authié. Is she really her new flame? To find out we just have to wait for new developments.

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