Italy 24 Press News

“I have to do the bidet”, Balivo embarrassed

A truly golden year for the new rising star of Italian music, the most loved rapper of the moment BigMama, who responds to the real name of Marianna Mammone, is living at the height of his success. After participated in the May 1st concert a year ago, have it conducted this yearand have participated in Sanremo and in a lot of television broadcasts, the singer from the province of Avellino has reached an unprecedented level of popularity. It is therefore not surprising that, with her energy and her friendliness, the hosts do everything they can to get her. But today only Caterina Balivo has succeeded, who with her The right time hosted it after the nice little show in connection with Sanremo last February. Let’s see what they said.

BigMama’s difficult past

Singer and presenter seemed more friends than ever, and after greeting each other and playing a game in which Balivo would have had to choose who to save between BigMama and Taylor Swiftdeciding to sacrifice herself, made frequent references to the fact that in the evening they would have dinner together, with BigMama as chef. But there were definitely some less happy moments during their chat, too. After talking about Sanremo, which the rapper experienced as the best week of her life, we moved on to discuss the difficult moments of high school, and the book he wrote about, Hundred Eyeswhich deals with topics such as the bullying he received and his self-harming thoughts and more: “I really wanted to write a book and talk about these things, also to vent. The precise point I wanted to touch on was being able to lend a hand to someone else, to someone who is experiencing what I experienced. Reading something similar to your own experience can perhaps help you overcome it.” The secret of her success? Continuing to do what she liked: “Not everyone follows that light they have inside; we all have passions and are good at something. There are simply people who put out that fire because they listen to others, which I didn’t do.” Then the singer goes into detail, telling of when she used to come treated by one of her teachers as the laughing stock of the classplaced in the center of the room and ridiculed with sleazy jokes: “Did that professor call me? Honestly I don’t look for his excuses: a man over 40 does not make mistakes with innocence towards a little girl. I remember how every day I was afraid to go into class… This person he tried to write to me even before I published the book, I don’t know if he will ever read it, but I ignored it“.

BigMama from Balivo, embarrassment in the studio at La volta nuova

However, there were also lighter moments in the interview, like when the singer made Balivo wear her very long nails, worn during Sanremo 2024, explaining how he manages to wear them and do the things he would normally do every day. The answer is very simple, in fact she takes them away herself remember the fun little scene with Balivo in Februaryreturning to the topic: “Love, I have to do the bidet too“. The episode ends with a performance of BigMama’s new singlewhich takes its name from her book, at the end of which the rapper, who points out how not only long but also sharp her nails are, jokes: “Yes, if you scratch yourself with these your brain is left directly in your hands“. In short, a whole program.

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