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Can Yaman quarrel with Francesca Chillemi: between a dig and an unfollow

Black crisis between the Turkish actor and Miss Italia, during the promotion of Viola come il mare the unthinkable takes place: he accuses her and they stop following each other via social media

Riccardo Greco

Web Editor

He approached publishing by studying at the IED as Fashion Editor. She then specialized in Digital Communication, Journalism and New Media at La Sapienza, collaborating with some newspapers and press offices.

A few hours before the start of the second season of Purple like the sea on Channel 5, a real clash broke out, of which the handsome Turkish actor Can Yaman was the main protagonist. In fact, the man would have been guilty of not very nice phrases towards his co-star, the nice Francesca Chillemi, so much so as to unleash the total dismay of the fans. If in the first season the pair of actors had made their fans dream with such sweetness and complicity, giving birth a gossip about an alleged relationship in real life too, something in the second one seems to have broken. Francesca is now engaged and a mother, so the doubts that something could be there had faded, but later the sweet phrases reserved for her by Can last weekendthe rumors had returned, until they disappeared after the discovery of the the actor’s latest social outbursts.

Can Yaman’s digs at Francesca Chillemi on Instagram

It all started when a journalist from Vanity Fair asked Francesca Chillemi in an interview: “Recently Can Yaman declared in an interview that if he found a beautiful and fair person like Francesca Chillemi he would think about building a family. How did you bewitch him?”, the actress then replied : “It’s not me who bewitched him, but Viola. Viola’s empathetic side won him overhis ability to bring out the best in the people he comes into contact with”. A kind response, which avoids leading the conversation to gossip and instead puts both of them in a good light and brings the focus back to the series. But evidently in Can Yaman this you must not really like the answer, becauseIt’s after re-sharing the title of the offending interview (“Francesca Chillemi: ‘Can Yaman was bewitched by Viola, not by me'”), comes down hard throwing a dig at her colleague: “It is not true, I was not bewitched by either of them. In fact, perhaps the opposite. However, he didn’t reveal anything, on the contrary, maybe he dodged“. This statement falls like a bolt from the blue, since last week in the living rooms of Verissimo the two seemed to get along quite well, and he himself defined Francesca as his ideal woman. Now instead he tries to imply two things: either he means that not only does he not love Chillemi, and in fact he would even hate heror what instead she would be the one to have developed a crush on him. What the actor really meant. The fact is that this led to a further crack in their relationship.

The mutual unfollow on social media and the differences on set

Not many hours later, the gossip expert Deianira Marzano posted in an Instagram story a report from a user. According to what the anonymous source stated, between Can and Francesca there would have been some friction on the set for some work differences. The two, it is explained in the message published by Marzano, would have used working systems that were very different from each other, tenough to transform the set into a den of complaints from both of them. As if that wasn’t enough, it seems that another crisis has taken place on social media, the two have in fact recently stopped following each other. That they have decided to end every relationship that is not strictly working?

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