Italy 24 Press News

Hail, damage to cars doubled in a year: how to defend yourself

The climate is no longer what we were used to. We are witnessing an escalation of meteorological events capable of causing damage, not to say catastrophes, of gigantic proportions. Northern Italy in particular has been hit in recent times by disasters of medium-high intensity, one of which is the hail. As everyone knows, this atmospheric phenomenon is not friendly to cars, which are an easy target for these bullets raining down from the sky. But how can you think of protect your vehicle from the devastating effects of a hailstorm? Car Clinic has drawn up a handbook that may be particularly useful.

Record hailstorms in the last two years

The vintages 2022 e 2023 they are noted for an exponential growth of damage caused by hail, which have more than doubled. Last year, the Italian areas in which most phenomena of this type occurred were Veneto, Lombardy and Friuli Venezia Giulia. The expansion of these events has no borders, so much so that it is expanding to more historically less involved provinces such as Udine, Pordenone and Trento.

The Car Clinic report highlights that observing the season’s repairs, a worrying fact emerged: a increase in gravity. Of the interventions carried out last year, 39% were related to minor damage that was resolved with cold working”through the dent remover technicians, who, with the use of special equipment and expert manual skills, bring the bodywork back to its original state without affecting the paint“. 56% of repairs, however, involved more intense damage in which cold and hot working was necessary with cold sheet metal restoration and subsequent painting.

Finally, in 5% of the interventions it was necessary completely replace sheet metal parts, such as bonnets and roofs. Again according to the report, the increase in the intensity of hail phenomena is also manifested by the high number of stamps found on repaired vehicles (on average 450, with peaks of over 1000 stamps in several cases).

What to do to protect yourself from hail

Prevention is better than cure, says the old adage. Even in this case the formula is the same. In summer, hail is a phenomenon – unfortunately – quite widespread. Therefore, the first thing suggested is to take out insurance against atmospheric and natural events. We are talking about a additional warranty which must be added to your policy which involves an increase in the annual premium, but which could avoid problems in the face of hail. Repair costs are high.

Maximum attention, however, to some parameters such as the deductiblethe amount to be paid by the driver and the maximum, i.e. the amount beyond which the insurance no longer covers the costs. Furthermore, some insurance companies require that the repair be carried out at an approved centre. Before signing any contract, it is necessary to check the conditions. It may also be useful to activate the glass policy which allows you to be reimbursed for the costs of replacing the windows of your car.

Among the most effective defenses should also be included the anti-hail cloth which can be purchased online or at some shops in the sector. There are different types and at different costs. Among the most common are those that have a layer of polyurethane of approximately 1 cm which allows them to absorb the impact of hailstones. This is also useful so as not to be unprepared for the imponderable.

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