Italy 24 Press News

Turning point in Italy: smart working now becomes MANDATORY

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You can work from home and earn much more than you would with a regular job. Some companies pay really well.

If there is anything that Mr. COVID has taught us, it is that to work you don’t always have to go to the company or office. We can safely say without fear of being wrong, that many people still have this rather old concept of what work is.

The development of the labor market itself, tells us that they exist multiple types of possibilities for all those who want to work but need to have smarter, more flexible hours and methods.

Obviously all this does not mean that it exists less commitment to their work, but rather that it is now clear that it is possible to organize and integrate your private life and your work without having to give up either of them. There are those who call it smart working, those who call it remote working, some simply say that they work from home. But when we hear it we all turn up our noses a little.

Yet current data teaches us that there are many companies that have decided to integrate smart working within their organization, taking nothing away from the workers.

The benefits of remote working

If companies consider the possibility of integrating remote working with office working, it means that there are numerous benefits that can be enjoyed. Indeed, it has been noted that by offering this possibility to employees, they are able to give agreater efficiency regarding the performance of one’s duties.

There are many companies that have aimed directly at this completely new organization. It requires greater organization to be able to carry out your work, but it also allows you to organize your schedule according to your commitments.

Work from home – Fonte_depositphotos –

Higher results translate into higher salaries: Mandatory SW for them

As mentioned previously, greater freedom of organization allows workers to be even much more productive. Precisely for this reason, companies that, in addition to introducing smart working, as a supplement to office work, also offer much higher salaries, have died.

Currently the companies that offer a higher salary to those who work in smart working are: Nielsen, Philips, Autodesk, Harvard University, Adecco Group.

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