Italy 24 Press News

New round of appointments in investee companies: the government is looking for a solution on Cdp, Railways, Fincantieri and Rai

Seven more days to decide on the new composition of the board of directors of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. The shareholders’ meeting of the subsidiary of the Ministry of Economy postponed the appointment by a week. The date to mark on the calendar is June 27th. And the coincidence with the day on which the top management of Ferrovie dello Stato will also be renewed does not appear to be a coincidence. Time is still needed to define the so-called package logic, taking into account the game still open for two other state companies: Rai, where the announced relay between Roberto Sergio and Giampaolo Rossi is still to be sealed, and Fincantieri, back at the center of the negotiations for the death of president Claudio Graziano.

Cassa Depositi e Prestiti

Negotiations on the financial arm of the Italian state are decidedly more developed than the others. We are moving towards a reconfirmation of the top management duo Dario Scannapieco and Giovanni Gorno Tempini, the first as CEO and the second as president. Gorno Tempini received the approval of the banking foundations – which hold the second share of Cdp – which is responsible for appointing the president. The tandem with Scannapieco for the future appears solid, also given the delicate nature of the privatization season launched by the government. Giancarlo Giorgetti is aware of this and, for this reason, would have accepted the idea of ​​continuity. The man who was chosen by Mario Draghi also won the support of Giorgia Meloni and Giovanbattista Fazzolari.

state Railways

On the railways Matteo Salvini can boast of a sort of pre-emption, given the competence of the department he leads. And he would be ready to fill the role of CEO Stefano Donnarumma, former CEO of Terna. The secretary of the League likes him and is not far from Fratelli d’Italia, on the contrary: in 2022, when Draghi was still there, he participated in the programmatic conference of Meloni’s party, which was held in Milan. Donnarumma will replace Luigi Ferraris who, barring any surprises, should move to the helm of Netco, the company that will take care of the former Tim network. Tommaso Tanzilli, currently a member of the company’s board of directors and close to Fratelli d’Italia, would be in pole position for the presidency of Ferrovie dello Stato. In this case, however, the challenge would seem more open, given that there are at least two other names competing for the position: Stefano Cuzzilla, president of Trenitalia and member of the board of directors of Cdp Venture Capital, and Teo Luzi, general commander of Carabinieri.


The next structure of the Rai top management would see the “promotion” of the current general director Giampaolo Rossi – in the Fratelli d’Italia share – to managing director. He would replace Roberto Sergio. The latter, in a relay already announced, should in turn take Rossi’s place. Informed sources, however, maintain that it is still premature to confirm the exchange of slots: the table could become slippery closer to 19 July, when Rai will present the new schedules. The presidency of Viale Mazzini, however, appears to have already been optioned by Forza Italia, which would have identified Simona Agnes for the role. As for the other members of the board of directors chosen by politicians, the League would focus on Alessandro Casarin or Antonio Marano, while the opposition has yet to reach an agreement on a name. The fifth member of the board of directors (excluding the president) will instead be chosen by the meeting of Rai employees.


Luzi, whose name is mentioned by Ferrovie, could also hold the position in Fincantieri, which remained uncovered after the death of General Graziano. The custom of assigning the presidency of the shipbuilding group to a defense man would thus be respected. If he is nominated, the government will have to find Luzi’s successor at the helm of the force. In any case, the commander is expected to leave the leadership of the Carabinieri next October, due to the natural expiry of his mandate. To succeed him, he wrote the paper, it should be General Salvatore Luongo, appointed on the proposal of Guido Crosetto – a few days ago – deputy commander of the Army. Returning to Fincantieri, another name talked about for the post Graziano is that of Francesco Talò, ambassador and former diplomatic advisor to Palazzo Chigi, who resigned after the prank call of the two Russian comedians who set a trap for Meloni. The board of directors of ISPI, an outcome that was taken for granted after his resignation, opposed the assignment of the presidency to Talò, preferring Franco Bruni.

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