Italy 24 Press News

Petrol and diesel skyrocketing at the end of June: there is no limit to the price increases, it is now almost impossible to fill even half the tank

Petrol and diesel prices skyrocketing at the end of June – source stock.adobe –

Here comes yet more bad news on fuel: the increases are imminent and worry Italian motorists quite a bit.

There isn’t a moment’s respite for Italian motorists. The new increase in prices is arriving and will weigh considerably on the pockets of motorists, who are already put to the test by a continuous increase in the cost of this expense, one of the worst they have to bear. Also because it is added to all those that already exist. Price increases are the order of the day.

It is from February 2022, when Russia began its invasion of Ukrainethat the cost of petrol has risen increasingly considerably. The war had in fact given rise to an unprecedented gas war. The situation never really calmed down and the prices never went back to what they were before, which is why it is not easy to deal with these continuous price increases.

The difficult context of international tensions in which we find ourselves and the increasingly considerable increase in prices has made the lives of motorists difficult. Over the last few weeks we have seen a slight drop in prices, but that’s it a temporary situation only destined to worsen considerably in the coming years.

The cost of gasoline is about to rise again

Experts assure that a new rise is upon us and the news is greatly worrying motorists, who had found a period of relaxation in recent weeks. Now, things are about to get a lot more difficult.

Before finding out how much petrol costs today, we advise you some useful tricks to save money. First of all, especially in summer, you need to pay attention to how you use air conditioning to avoid unnecessary waste. Then there is the question of driving style: avoiding sudden braking and acceleration is essential in order not to consume too much. In the end, always choose the most advantageous distributor and enjoy the benefits of promotions.

Increases on petrol and diesel – source stock.adobe –

How much does petrol cost today

The Ministry of Business and Made in Italy has published the current costs of petrol and diesel. Facts in mode self servicethe first costs 1,850 euros per litre, while the second costs 1,700 euros per litre.

In mode servedHowever, petrol is currently available at 1,993 euros per litre. Diesel, on the other hand, costs 1,844 euros per litre.

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