Italy 24 Press News

Buy&Sell: what to buy and sell on Monday 17 June

The draws a Long black which continues its descent, archiving the worst session of the year and the worst week of the last 65 (we have to go back to March 2023) with a drop of 5.76%. Since the beginning of the year, the increase has been +7.62%

Looking at the Ftse Mib graph, the old saying comes to mind:Markets go up by stairs and down by elevator”. In particular, prices break downwards from the rectangle in which they have remained caged for 66 sessions (since March 12th) developed between the highs reached on May 14th at 35,474 and the lows in the 33,300 area. We therefore witness the first bearish sign of 2024which will be confirmed during the next sessions

The ones that weigh on Piazza Affari are the sales on Leonardo (-12.37%) and on banking stocks: in the last 5 days MPS (BIT:) has lost 11.68%, Bper (BIT:) 11.33%, Unicredit (BIT:) 11.03 Bpm (BIT:) -9.62%.

The sell off in Europe started after the result of the European elections,
which led France towards early elections on June 30th. The advance of the most extremist forces has frightened investors with the The Paris stock exchange closed 6.2% lower, canceling out the gains made since the beginning of the year.

The market fears that some anti-European policies could take shape in the second country of the old continent, putting French stability and deficit at risk; the reaction on the Europeans was immediate, with the‘Oat-Bund at the highest since 2017 and the Italian spread jumped above 150 basis points.

Operationally On Monday we will try to increase exposure to the market by focusing on a stock that, after a violent sell-off, tests important support above which it could attempt a quick rebound.

Among the interesting titles for the next session, we highlight:


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