Italy 24 Press News

When does the national identification code for short-term rentals start, how does it work and who should have it

The National Identification Code, or Cin, will become mandatory for anyone who rents a home for short periods. The decree on the functioning of the database that will collect all the Cin has been published: here are the next phases of the reform and what changes with the activation of the Cin.

The reform of the healthcare sector continues short rentals, i.e. those rental contracts that last no more than thirty days. The ministerial decree regulating the single national database on short-term rentals (or Bdsr, Database of accommodation facilities) was also published in the Official Journal. The experimentation period started in Puglia at the beginning of June, and the hope of the Ministry of Tourism is that it will be completed by the beginning of September.

The intention is to assign all homes that are rented for short periods (less than a month) a National identification code, or Cin. Anyone who does not have the Cin, or who does not display it both at home and in adverts, will face fines of up to 8 thousand euros. In this way we hope to limit illegal rentals and facilitate customers. All the Cin will then be collected in a single database, which will allow the situation to be monitored at a national level.

The procedure for obtaining the Cin will be automated. In the next few weeks it will be up to the Regions to send to the central database “a set of minimum data necessary for the identification of the structure”. Since identification codes already exist in some Regions, these will also be ‘connected’ to the national database. These “minimum data” include: :

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  • Regional Identification Code or other differently named code that identifies the structure in the regional or autonomous Province database
  • the national classification macro-category and related code
  • the national classification category and related code
  • the national and/or regional and/or provincial classification subcategory, Municipality and Province and related ISTAT codes
  • the status of the business, name, surname, tax code of the natural person

Receiving the code will be an automatic procedure. There will be one platform, which can be accessed with Spid. Anyone who has associated their data with a home or in any case an accommodation facility used for short-term rentals will be immediately recognized and will be able to enter any information that is missing for the Cin, or report any information that is already present but does not correspond to reality. At the end of the procedure, when the Region has corrected the data if necessary, the Cin will be presented, which is made up as follows:

How the National Identification Code, or Cin, for short-term rentals will be composed

Initially, as the regional and national databases begin to cooperate, there will be a temporary code, called Cheers 1. It will become definitive at the end of the ministry’s bureaucratic procedures, i.e. when the official notice is published that the national database and the online platform for assigning Cin are operational, Cin 1 will become definitive.

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