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Italian Stock Exchange, commentary from the session of 12 June 2024

Waiting for FED decisions. ENI and Saipem among the protagonists of the day at FTSEMib. Banking sector stocks remain in the spotlight

The major Italian Stock Exchange indices and the main European financial markets they started the session with fractional increaseson the day of Fed meeting.

At 09.05 am FTSEMib gained 0.41% to 34,012 points, while the FTSE Italia All Share it was up 0.39%. Plus sign also for the FTSE Italia Mid Cap (+0.25%) and for the FTSE Italia Star (+0.19%).

THE main US stock indexes recorded fractional changes. The Dow Jones closed down 0.31% to 38,747 points, while the S&P500 recovered 0.27% to 5,375 points, with a new all-time high of 5,376 points. Better performance for the Nasdaq (+0.88% to 17,344 points, just below the new historic high of 17,345 points).

Bad day for Tokyo Stock Exchange. The Nikkei index lost 0.66% to 38,877 points, after fluctuating between a minimum of 38,809 points and a maximum of 38,946 points.

The bitcoin it returned above 67,000 dollars (around 62,500 euros).

The Btp-Bund spread remains above 140 points, with the yield on the 10-year BTP falling below 4.05%.

L’EUR it is confirmed below $1.075.

ENI (+0.37% to 14.04 euros) e Saipem (-1.45% to 2.035 euros) among the protagonists of the day at the FTSEMib. The oil giant announced that it has completed the placement of a 10% stake in the engineering company’s capital at 1.97 euros per share, for a total value of approximately 393 million euros. The sale price incorporates a discount of 4.6% compared to Saipem’s closing price in the session of 11 June 2024 (2.065 euros). Following the placement, which took place through an accelerated bookbuilding process aimed at institutional investors, ENI holds 422,920,192 Saipem shares representing approximately 21.19% of the capital.

Banking sector stocks remain in the spotlightafter the strong correction suffered in the previous session.

Positive start to the day for Monte dei Paschi di Siena (+1.23% to 4.687 euros).

Also focus on Leonardo (-0.13% to 23.28 euros). The aerospace group announced that negotiations with KNDS have been interrupted to define a common configuration for the Italian Army’s Main Battle Tank program and to develop a broader industrial collaboration.

To the STAR segment Italmobiliare it started the day with a decline of 3.25% to 28.3 euros. Cemital Privital Aureliana announced that it has completed the placement with institutional investors of 550,000 shares of the holding company, equal to approximately 1.3% of the capital at a price of 27.5 euros per share. The sale price incorporates a 6% discount compared to Italmobiliare’s closing price in the session of 11 June 2024 (29.25 euros). The gross proceeds from the placement amount to 15 million euros.

At Euronext Growth Milan focus on Soges Group, on the day of its debut in the list dedicated to dynamic and competitive SMEs. The company’s shares were placed at 2.25 euros, for an initial capitalization of 11.56 million euros.

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