Italy 24 Press News

few requests for access to the tax credit

Composting bonusresources allocated exceed the applications sent.

The value of the tax credit actually usable for applications submitted from 22 April to 31 May 2024 is equal to 100 percent than requested.

The Revenue Agency defines it, with the provision of 6 June 2024 which closes the circle of steps necessary for defining the beneficiaries of the tax credit for composting plants at agri-food centers in the South.

Full composting bonus: few requests for access to the tax credit

Little publicized and with a small audienceThe bonus for composting plants goes against the trend compared to other benefits subject to monitoring for the purposes of compliance with the maximum spending limit.

There will be no remodulations to the value of the tax credit usable by the managers of agri-food centers who have incurred expenses for composting plantssuitable for disposing of at least 70 percent of the organic waste produced.

The tax credit remains equal to 70 percent of the expenses incurred, according to the provisions of article 1, paragraph 831 of law 30 December 2021, n. 234 (2022 Budget Law).

The data on the total amount of credits requested comes from the Revenue Agency, with the provision published on 6 June 2024. In total, the requests transmitted from 22 April to 31 May 2024, in relation to the expenses incurred in 2023, are equal to 149,650 euros against a total allocation equal to 1 million euros.

The mechanism provided for by the 2022 Budget Law is the same adopted for other categories of tax credits, such as the drinking water bonus: the actual value of the requested credit is established by the Tax Office once the window for sending access communications has closed.

If the value of the requested credits exceeds the expected allocation, the Revenue Agency is called upon to remodulate the bonus actually usable by each beneficiary. Which it will not happen in relation to the composting bonusa facilitation which according to the data does not seem to have had much success.

The managers of agri-food centers in the southern regions (Campania, Molise, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria and Sicily), who have therefore requested the relief, will be able use the 70 percent tax credit of expenses in compensation with the F24 form. The usable amount will be indicated in the Tax Drawer.

Revenue Agency – provision 7 June 2024
Composting bonus, 100 percent tax credit
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