Italy 24 Press News

The most expensive and cheapest car brands to maintain | Don’t get the wrong team or you’re ruined

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Those who really have a lot of money to spend nowadays, and have a passion for cars, don’t have many problems with the type of car they can and want to buy.

Those who, unfortunately but evidently, are part of the almost absolute majority of citizens who do not have all of this economic elasticitymust always, inevitably, make precise calculations in his pocket.

And often it’s not even just the infamous list price, since buying a car is just the beginning of a journey ofthe huge outlay.

Indeed, paying for the car, especially if you choose forms of payment in installments, may not be the first real and only financial exposure we face. The worse could happen afterwards.

We are talking about the infamous car maintenance costs which, day by day, affect the family budget and end up weighing on the family budget as well. rest of the budgets with which one is equipped.

The Report on car maintenance costs

According to what an analysis document from Consumers Report has revealed, there are obvious differences in the maintenance costs to which a car would be subjected depending on the type of brand and model chosen. And the data actually seems to reward one in particular Motherhouse among the most popular.

We are talking about a very well-known brand from the United States, that is Tesla: according to reportsthe cheapest car brand would be Tesla: specialized in the production of electric cars, it would have such high quality that it would push consumers, in five years, to spend much less than the average of other brands.

The most expensive cars according to the report

According to the data, the maintenance of Land Rover would be the most expensive: according to the analyzes of this association, in fact, this brand would be ahead of Porsche in this ranking which would examine the first 5 years of life.

According to the data, averages of 3900 euros in the first five yearsto then spend on average approximately 14 thousand in ten years subsequent periods, thus bringing a total of approximately 18 thousand euros maintenance. It is clear right from the start that when you choose to buy a vehicle, however, you do not do so solely and exclusively by focusing on a single parameter, but by mixing together a series of considerations, without considering, obviously, that at the end of the game people’s subjectivity always has an impact, and we are still talking about cars with value and qualityncredible, worthy of purchase.

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