Italy 24 Press News

Silvio Berlusconi Editore is born, Tony Blair’s book is the first to be published: but there is a backstory

As announced by Marina Berlusconi, from September the “Silvio Berlusconi Publisher”, the “new” publishing house of the Mondadori Group that will make its debut in bookstores with the publication of book On LeadershipOf Tony Blair.

Silvio Berlusconi Editore is born

A new publishing brand arrives in the Mondadori Group: it is Silvio Berlusconi Editore, the publishing house that will make its debut on the market on September 5th with the book On Leadershipan essay by Tony Blair “on the art of governing”.

With a press release, Marina Berlusconi outlinedor the principles and objectives that will guide the activities of this new publishing housethat is, “to fight for the concept of freedom and give voice to its most varied declinations, while remaining absolutely distant from any form of political militancy”.

Silvio Berlusconi Editore is born, with the book On Leadership by Tony Blair as its first publication

“We decided to give this new publishing house the name of my father, Silvio Berlusconi, because he based his projects, his achievements and his life on freedom. Without ever accepting compromises” added the entrepreneur.

Tony Blair’s book as first publication

The new publishing house will publish a few titles a year, including in two series that will deal with literature and non-fiction by Italian and foreign authors, with the first publications arriving worldwide on September 5th.

As explained by Marina Berlusconi during an interview with Corriere della Serathe publications will start with “On leadership of Tony Blair and with two great classics like Voltaire and Furet. Later we will have Ernesto Galli della Loggia and Walter Siti. We will also bring Alexander Baunov’s anti-Putinian manifesto to Italy.”

As clarified by the Knight’s daughter, “Going back to talking about freedom today is more important than ever. Our society, the Western one, appears increasingly threatened.”

The “rebirth” of the publishing house

However, Silvio Berlusconi Editore is not a totally new reality in the publishing panorama, given that a publishing house with this name was already founded by the Knight in 1990born from an idea by Marcello Dell’Utri.

The publishing house then sold its activities to Arnoldo Mondadori Editoriale, which was then incorporated into Silvio Berlusconi Holding Editoriale in 1995. During its existence, which ended in 2012, they were numerous titles published for the series Utopia Librarya series of classics released annually starting from “The Praise of Folly” by Erasmus of Rotterdam.

For 2025, the “new” Silvio Berlusconi Editore already has several releases planned, including the first translation in the world of The end of the regime by the ancient philologist Alexander Baunov, a book that has become bestseller as a symbol of resistance to Putinand the wise man The days are numbered by Ernesto Galli della Loggia.

Photo source: ANSA

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