Italy 24 Press News

If justice is a woman. Elvira Frojo’s book on women’s lawyers

The volume “If Justice is a Woman” by Elvira Frojo (published by the National Forensic Council – Cnf), journalist and writer on her fifth book, former lawyer and public administration manager, is a work that intertwines law, history and customs for talk about female emancipation in the legal profession.

Twenty years after the creation of the first “Equal Opportunities Commission” by the CNF, this book aims to celebrate a new way of seeing society. The narrative of female lawyers highlights how the contribution of women in the legal field has brought about significant changes not only in the legal profession, but in all areas of civil life. It is a reflection on the past with a look at the present, imagining new perspectives for a path that is still uncertain for women.

As Prof. Guido Alpa underlines in his “Presentation”, the book collects facts, documents and testimonies, helping to understand the political and cultural delays that have characterized this journey, the difficult achievements and the objectives still to be achieved. With passion, the text indicates the way forward, a path that concerns anyone committed to the defense of human rights and dignity.

The president of the Cnf, Francesco Greco, highlights how lawyers are protagonists of substantial and human justice, which comes from the heart and offers confidence towards new horizons and rights for all. Maria Masi, the first woman to hold the role of president of the CNF after a hundred years, states that the book reflects female commitment to the profession of lawyer, fueling the optimism of will and reason. Justice, in fact, expands beyond the formal, projecting itself towards dynamics of dialogue and confrontation, since law is not identified only with the law and certainly is not exhausted by it.

Crucial themes such as the role of women in society and relationships stand out at the back of the book: from language violence and discrimination in the world of work to feminicides. A course that is difficult to reverse. However, the author launches a message of hope for a changing society, based on principles, values ​​and sharing, for the benefit of all, starting from the social function of the legal profession.

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